Orphans vs. Pirates: The Lost Treasure of “Scarlet” Gwynne Goch

Orphans vs. Pirates: The Lost Treasure of “Scarlet” Gwynne Goch

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Fantasy Grounds, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Orphanages in stories are all horrible places where the staff are cruel all the time. St. Cedwyn’s wasn’t like that! It’s run by kindly old Gladys Goch, as cheerful a priestess of healing as you could ever hope to meet. It sits on the cliffs above Whiteshore bay, pretty as a postcard and warm as houses inside. You all grew up there and have nothing but fond memories of the place. You’ve stayed in touch with Gladys and with each other ever since you left to find your fortunes in the big city. Now St. Cedwyn’s needs your help. Villainous new Baron Sir Oliver de Grieu has levied a rent of five hundred gold pieces for the land the orphanage sits on, and Gladys hasn’t ever had that sort of money. So you’ve come home to help. Will you persuade the Baron to give up his claim? Steal it from his coffers to give back to him? Or seek out the Lost Treasure of pirate queen Gwynne Goch, Gladys’ grandmother? The building that now serves as the orphanage was Gwynne’s manor. Legend has it that her treasure still lies buried in secret sea caves beneath the orphanage. You never found the entrance while you were kids but surely now as bold adventurers you can discover the treasure and save the orphanage? A freewheeling starter scenario for D&D 5e. We will be using pre-generated characters so you can step right in and start playing. How will you go about saving the orphanage? The choice is yours!

3 years on StartPlaying

1 game hosted

Additional Details

How to prepare

You will need a decent microphone and be playing in a quiet area; if there's too much noise I'll ask you to go to "push to talk" on Discord, so please figure out how to do that in voice and video settings. You will need to install Fantasy Grounds Unity and have applied the latest updates in order to connect to the game.

What I provide

I'll provide everything else - pregenerated characters with a bit of a background story, maps, etc..

Gameplay details

This game contains an orphanage and some themes around that, but will be treated in a light-hearted way. The TTRPG safety toolkit red X card system will be used (as a fantasy ground extension). There will be a mix of exploration, combat and talking to solve the problem you're faced with - it is up to you how to go about it!

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

A selection of pregenerated characters are available

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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