ONE-SHOT WEDNESDAY: Attack of the Necrobotic Cyber-Wights

ONE-SHOT WEDNESDAY: Attack of the Necrobotic Cyber-Wights

Dungeon World, Powered by the Apocalypse RPG on Google Hangouts, Owlbear Rodeo

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Wood splinters and burns as a beam of plasma obliterates the doors of the Inn of the Drunken Unicorn. The assembled villagers cower in abject terror! Horrified, you watch through the smoke as three Necrobotic Cyber-Wights wander the village green, firing their weapons indiscriminately. Every few moments, their distorted, monotone voices ring out in unison, "WE SEEK THE NEXUS. RETURN IT OR BE DESTROYED." As the inn begins to burn, the creepy little girl begins levitating a few feet off the ground. She opens her mouth, and something very close to the sound of an all-baritone choir singing a fully diminished 7th chord echoes through the inn. You see the Cyber-Wights turn their adamantium-laced skull-heads towards the sound. They begin to advance. WHAT DO YOU DO? A gonzo one-shot introduction to Dungeon World (and me!). If you enjoy it, I hope you'll join me for a full-fledged campaign in the near future!

3 years on StartPlaying

542 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Inclusive

Additional Details

How to prepare

You'll need a way to be seen and heard (webcam/mic), a way to hear everyone else, access to the internet, and a spot free from distractions. When you sign up, I'll send you a link to my Discord server where you can aske any questions, claim a character class, etc. I'll also send links to playbooks, rules, and safety tools. All you need to do is download a PDF and you're good to go! I take player safety and respect very seriously, so I would appreciate that you look over the player safety materials (lines/veils checklist and X-card explanation - I'll send you links when you sign up) and let me know if there are any topics you would like to be off-limits. I will be happy to discuss any accommodations you might require for the game to be as fun as possible for everyone involved.

What I provide

I have all the resources prepared beforehand (character sheets, etc.), all you need to bring is your imagination.

Gameplay details

Dungeon World is a Fantasy RPG using the "Powered by the Apocalypse" rules framework that is heavy on improvisation and player agency. The rules are quick and easy to learn, and always drive the story forward. No experience with the system is necessary - we'll make characters together and then get directly into the game! We're actually using One-Shot World, a hack designed especially for short games that jettisons some of the long-term rules for simplicity and ease of play. You can check it out here for free:\%22%20rel=\%22/includes/ajax/tooltip_request_handler.php?products_id=242339 We'll use Owlbear Rodeo ( for visuals and dice, and Google Meet for voice and and picture. I have downloadable fillable PDFs of the character playbooks and other play aides. All you need is a computer, a camera, and a microphone. PDFs can be found here:

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

I will provide links to download fillable playbook PDFs before we play. Character creation will be done at the beginning of the session and shouldn't take more than 30 minutes. During Character Creation, you'll make a handful of simple choices that determine your abilities, powers, resources, and connections to the rest of the group - making your character is actually part of the game, and it transitions straight into playing.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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