Of Gods and Giants (a Neoclassical D&D 5e Play-By-Post campaign set in MtG's plane of Theros)

Of Gods and Giants (a Neoclassical D&D 5e Play-By-Post campaign set in MtG's plane of Theros)

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Text/Play by Post, Discord, Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 1 to 40 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

The northern edge of the world is a cold, rugged, sparsely populated land of snow-capped mountains, rocky hills, sprawling forests, and foggy vales. Isolated strongholds, ancient burial mounds, and the ruins of many forgotten empires dot this vast landscape. Bounded by the labyrinthine ruins of Skophos to the west and the Oraniad Mountains to the east, the savage frontier surrounding Winter's Heart extends far north of civilization. Old roads stretch across this great expanse, linking the dwarven strongholds and mines in the mountains to the coastal settlements, frontier towns, and fortified outposts of humans and other folk. These roads are long, lonely, or poorly defended, making them dangerous to traverse. In fertile valleys, towns and cities have sprung up, separated by dozens if not hundreds of miles of untamed wilderness haunted by bandits, barbarians, and monsters. And now there are rumors that the gods are angry... This campaign will essentially be a NeoClassical revision of the Storm King's Thunder adventure path, placing the story in Theros rather than the Realms. Players are supernaturally endowed Heroes (Capital H Heroes) similar to the classic heroes of Greek Mythology fighting against Greater Powers (gods and giants). This is an asynchronous Play-By-Post campaign. Players will be able to post responses around their busy lifestyles.

1 year on StartPlaying

97 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, Sets the Mood

Additional Details

How to prepare

Players will require access to Discord for texts and Roll20 for tracking character sheets. Actual play will not occur in Roll20 but will allow players real-time 24/7 access to the sheet with its automation so as to record rolls for easy GM reference. As this is a Play-By-Play game, players may respond during any portion of their week to accommodate their busy lives. A player is expected to post in a timely manner however so as to maintain party cohesion (although opportunities for party "splits" will be integrated as well - imagine this as a book narrative in which most chapters are the combined party but some are of the perspective of a single character).

What I provide

a bundle of holdings worth of material and resources...

Gameplay details

Session Zero will be a live session through Discord voice primarily for character creation and reviewing Campaign themes (although will be handled on a player-by-player basis). That can default to messaging only as needed for those players when a Voice session simply isn't feasible however. Actual gameplay will default to Discord messaging but tracking character sheets and rolls in Roll20. There will be established hours in which I will not be able to respond so you can know when to expect GM messages. Discord channels will be established for 1) party character perspectives as a whole (in which Players are expected to remain "in character" for responses here); 2) individual Player Character perspectives as needed; and 3) a combined Party perspective for the Players (not the characters) so players may freely interact socially outside the framework of the game "out of character". The campaign will be charged essentially as a subscription service. If players require an extended break (e.g. vacations, travelling, pressing extended needs, etc), simply let me know in advance as you are able and I will "suspend" play for your character narratively (and cost) till such time when you become available again in which case you may resume.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

We can have a live voice Session Zero for character creation and reviewing Campaign themes. There are some world-specific background options for players' choices. Afterward the game will be run through Discord text. A Roll20 campaign will be created exclusively so players can review their character sheet and maintain dice roll results.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

Game Master Reviews (17)

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