Learn to Play Vaesen: Northern Lights

Learn to Play Vaesen: Northern Lights

Vaesen on Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

No experience required! Vaesen is a simple D6 based system that is very easy to pickup. One of my favorite games. In late 19th century Sweden, there have been a string of bizarre happenings as more of the population moves toward the cities and technology is rapidly advancing. Strange creatures called Vaesen have been growing more bizarre and sometimes malicious in their actions in recent years. You, being someone with "The Sight", possess the ability to see these creatures and have taken it upon yourself to help solve the mysteries that are popping up because of them. A small town is experiencing a particularly dreary Christmas-time and you have been called in with utmost urgency to investigate. The northern lights were incredibly strong and bizarre on Christmas Eve night. Most of the town was outside watching them and celebrating. After the festivities, the townspeople returned to their homes and went to sleep. When they awoke...most of the children in the entire town are gone and there are some strange things around. Can you solve the mystery and save the children of the town? Please note: This will be pretty dark. This is not innately a happy Christmas story.

Voice Actor
Game Designer

3 years on StartPlaying

68 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Voices

Average response time: 22 hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional Details

How to prepare

-Character chosen -Discord account -Preferably a headset with a microphone as opposed to a phone (quality tends to be worse) -Willingness to explore the wild world of 19th century Sweden!

What I provide

-Music player in discord -Dice roller to use -Pre-made characters -Character voices and fun NPC's -Chilling mystery to solve!

Gameplay details

We will work together to establish what everyone needs to feel comfortable. This will NOT involve violence toward children, but it will include some darker themes. Tools I utilize: 1. Session 0 to set expectations. 2. Lines and Veils: Lines are hard limits on content and Veils are soft limits of things that are okay to include in the story but not to delve into scenes and/or details of. I will make note of anything that ought or needs to be avoided. 2. X, N, O Cards: Type "X" in chat to let me know that you are uncomfortable with what is happening or would like to discuss something in private. Type "N" in chat if you feel that a scene is heading toward an "X" moment. We will figure out how to adjust. Type "O" in chat to signify that you are okay to continue. I will usually prompt an "O" check, but feel free to use it whenever. 3. Debrief: After each session, we will check in as a group and discuss the night's events. I understand that RPG's can have a real-life impact on people and I want to ensure that impact is a positive one. 4. Honesty: I will always be incredibly open and honest about how I am doing and what my intentions are. For the betterment of all players involved, I ask that we all maintain an open line of communication. Fun becomes a challenge in something as complex as an RPG when communication is not present.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

I will have pre-made characters for each of the 10 archetypes to choose from. We can certainly add backstory details and change some small things if you would like to, though they won't matter too much for this.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Low
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: High
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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