D&D 5e Nine Families

D&D 5e Nine Families

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, D&D Beyond, Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Nine families control the world, or at least, they have for the last few hundred years. Blessed with divine power, they have ruled justly and fairly over all the lands. Unholy magic is suppressed, and people of all kinds can live and work in harmony. Or at least, that's what you are supposed to say. The truth is that something foul has taken hold in the Nine Families, and they will use any means necessary to squash those that could oppose them. Power doesn't just corrupt, it can rot, and the world is teetering on the edge of absolute chaos. It is going to be up to you to protect what you care about in the coming turmoil. LGBTQ+ Friendly Session 0 will be free. This will not be "first come, first serve". I will be interviewing potential players to see if they are a good fit. This will be a long term campaign in a custom setting using D&D5e. Combat will not be common, and when there is combat it will likely be dangerous. I'm happy to have players new to roleplaying. Knowing the game mechanics will not be as important as engaging with the game's setting and world. The game will also likely start out slow, and build over time, so it should be easy enough for new people to learn as they go. Rules changes: - No one may take a spellcasting class for their first two levels (ask GM for half-casting class info). - You may not take more than one spellcasting class. - Starting level is 2. - You may roll for stats once (4d6, drop lowest). If you don’t like that set, you can use the Standard Array. - Rolling for stats must be done in Foundry chat and declared ahead of time, or they don’t count. - Melee weapon attacks do not roll damage. A hit is max damage, miss is minimum damage, crit is double max, crit fail is zero damage. This includes extra dice from class features. - Milestone Experience. - Any player option outside the Player’s Handbook requires DM approval. - All spellcasting classes and subclasses require approval (they are tied to in-setting politics which will have a significant impact on play experience). Campaign setting details: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19IDszLwLJvvzO0dWlPXQmV4ruZ8_1GU5jM-9IxImQ9w/edit?usp=sharing

Game Designer

2 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Creativity, World Builder, Storytelling

Additional Details

How to prepare

Mic is required. This is a voiced game, and everyone will need to be able to hear and be heard. Basic voice chat etiquette is expected. You will need to have Discord. If you want to make your character on D&D Beyond, you will need an account there (you do not need a subscription).

What I provide

I have a Discord server and Foundry server set up for the game. I have a GM subscription to D&D Beyond and will share the needed books on there.

Gameplay details

I generally like to keep my games PG-13ish, but we use the X-Card just in case (I have the module in Foundry so it's as simple as clicking a button, but you can also just message me). If there is ever something that bothers you, feel free to talk to me and we can figure something out.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Open Door
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

Players should work with me before the game starts to get a character ready. I will want a backstory that fits the setting. It doesn't have to be long, but it needs to make sense. The rules changes that may have an impact on character creation: - No one may take a spellcasting class for their first two levels (ask GM for half-casting class info). - You may not take more than one spellcasting class. - Starting level is 2. - You may roll for stats once (4d6, drop lowest). If you don’t like that set, you can use the Standard Array. - Rolling for stats must be done in Foundry chat and declared ahead of time, or they don’t count. - Melee weapon attacks do not roll damage. A hit is max damage, miss is minimum damage, crit is double max, crit fail is zero damage. This includes extra dice from class features. - Milestone Experience. - Any player option outside the Player’s Handbook requires DM approval. - All spellcasting classes and subclasses require approval (they are tied to in-setting politics which will have a significant impact on play experience).

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Low
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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