Monster of the Week RPG [1st Session Free] [New Players Welcome] [Role Playing/Easy Rules] [Supernatural Inspired]

Monster of the Week RPG [1st Session Free] [New Players Welcome] [Role Playing/Easy Rules] [Supernatural Inspired]

Monster of the Week on Discord, Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 4 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Did you ever want to be one of the Winchester brothers from Supernatural? Or investigate mysteries with the crew of Scooby-Doo? How about hunting down demons like Buffy? Then Monster of the Week is the perfect game for you! Monster of the Week (MoTW) is a tabletop role-playing game (RPG) where players take on the roles of monster hunters. The game is set in the modern world and features a variety of monsters, from vampires and werewolves to ghosts and demons. Players create their own hunters, choosing from a variety of playbooks that represent different types of monster hunters, such as the Spooky, the Monstrous, and the Mundane. The game is played using a simple dice system, where players roll a number of six-sided dice and add their character's relevant stat to determine if they succeed or fail at a task. MoTW is designed to be fast-paced and exciting, and the game's focus on teamwork and cooperation makes it a great choice for groups of friends who want to have a fun and challenging gaming experience. Here are some of the things you can do in Monster of the Week: Investigate mysteries: Monster hunters are often called upon to investigate strange and supernatural occurrences. This could involve anything from tracking down a missing person to solving a series of murders. Battle monsters: When you're a monster hunter, it's inevitable that you'll have to fight monsters. MoTW provides a variety of rules for handling combat, so you can feel confident that you'll be able to take on any monster that comes your way. Work together: Monster hunting is a dangerous business, and it's important to have a team of reliable allies by your side. MoTW encourages teamwork and cooperation, so you can rely on your friends to help you out when things get tough. Have fun: Monster of the Week is a game about fighting monsters and saving the world. It's a great way to have a fun and exciting gaming experience with your friends. If you're looking for a tabletop RPG that's fast-paced, exciting, and cooperative, then Monster of the Week is a great choice. With its simple rules and flexible setting, MoTW is a game that can be enjoyed by players of all experience levels.

Game Designer

3 years on StartPlaying

91 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Rule of Cool, Storytelling

Additional Details

How to prepare

To prepare for a game of Monster of the Week, players should do the following: Read the rules: (Optional) Make sure you understand the basic mechanics of the game, including character creation, combat, and the flow of play. Create your character: Using a playbook or creating one from scratch, create your monster hunter, selecting their skills, abilities, and supernatural powers. Gather your equipment: Make a list of the gear and weapons your character will carry, and be ready to describe it in detail during the game. Familiarize yourself with the setting: Monster of the Week takes place in a world filled with supernatural creatures, so familiarize yourself with the various monsters, legends, and paranormal phenomena that you might encounter. Get in character: Think about your character's motivations, personality, and background, and be ready to role-play as them during the game. Work with your group: Talk to the other players and the game master (GM) to discuss what kind of adventure you want to have, and make sure everyone is on the same page. By following these steps, you'll be well prepared for an exciting and unforgettable game of Monster of the Week!

What I provide

I will bring everything you need to play.

Gameplay details

Monster of the Week is a tabletop RPG that puts players in the shoes of monster hunters, tasked with investigating strange occurrences and battling against all manner of supernatural threats. The game emphasizes storytelling and improvisation, with a focus on creating compelling and unpredictable adventures for the players to experience. Each session of the game is structured around a "monster of the week" - a new and unique creature or paranormal phenomenon that the players must confront. This means that no two games will ever be exactly alike, and players will always have to think on their feet and use their wits in order to succeed. The game is designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing players to create their own characters with a wide range of skills and abilities. This means that players can tailor their characters to their own play styles, whether they prefer to be action-oriented, diplomatic, or sneaky. Whether you're a seasoned tabletop gamer or new to the hobby, Monster of the Week offers a thrilling and engaging experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. So why not gather your friends and sign up for a game today? Let the hunt begin

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

Once you book the session, I will send you a link to Roll20 so you can check out the various player options and start working on your character. Monster of the Week, character creation is an important part of the experience, allowing players to bring their unique vision of a monster hunter to life. Players start by choosing a concept for their character, such as a detective, journalist, or paranormal investigator. Then, they select their character's skills, abilities, and special powers to reflect their concept. One of the key features of character creation in Monster of the Week is the use of playbooks. Playbooks are pre-written templates that offer a starting point for characters, giving players a set of abilities, moves, and starting gear that are tailored to specific play styles and concepts. For example, a player who wants to play a tough-as-nails action hero might choose the Slayer playbook, while a player who wants to play a clever detective might choose the Detective playbook. The playbooks provide a solid foundation for players to build upon, but they are also flexible enough to allow for customization and personalization. In addition to the playbooks, players can also choose from a range of supernatural powers and abilities, such as telekinesis, clairvoyance, and shape-shifting, to help them battle the monsters they will face. These abilities can be used to turn the tide of battle, but they also come with their own risks and drawbacks, making each character unique and challenging to play. So if you're looking for a thrilling and rewarding character creation experience, then Monster of the Week is the perfect game for you!

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Low
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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