Monster Hunting 101: Welcome to the Weird

Monster Hunting 101: Welcome to the Weird

Powered by the Apocalypse RPG, Monster of the Week on Discord, Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 6 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Come and join Nathanial Floret, Professional Monster Hunter as you learn the ins and outs of dealing with the stranger side of the world we live in. Learn about basic monsterology and classifications of the things that go bump in the night. Ever wonder about the difference between a lycanthrope, a werewolf, and a loup garou? How about the different kinds of vampires and what they're weak to? The difference between a goth kid meet-up and an actual demon-summoning ritual? These are the important questions that every Monster Hunter should be able to answer! If you're interested in learning how to play and run Powered by the Apocalypse system this is a 4 session mini-campaign using the energetic and invocative world of Monster of the Week to introduce players who are new to PbtA games, Non-d20 based games, or new to the TTRPG hobby in general. There is no minimum level of understanding required.

Game Designer

1 year on StartPlaying

5 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, World Builder, Teacher

Additional Details

How to prepare

We do not use cameras during play so don't worry about that, I do ask that you have either a headset in good working order or a microphone to help cut down on background noise as well as find as quiet a place as possible for the sessions to make sure that we'll all be able to better hear and understand each other.

What I provide

Several Full-color maps for play will be used throughout the session, and a hopefully educational and exhilarating experience to welcome you to the Powered by the Apocalypse system and the fantastical world of monster hunting

Gameplay details

Be ready for an in-depth dive into the PbtA system and an introduction to urban fantasy for those who are unfamiliar with it! This game is meant to be a little bit silly at times but remember that there is always danger around when one decides to stand between the everyday world and the monsters lurking at its fringes. My games always start with a session 0 leading up to the actual start of the campaign, come in with an idea but nothing on paper for this as part of the experience is going to be building characters as a group. More importantly, there will be conversations about dos and don'ts at the table, and making sure everyone understands the limits going into the game. During play we use the X,N,O system which we'll go over during session 0 for those who aren't familiar with it. Instead of cards you just have to send me a ping on Discord during play, or whisper it to me on roll20 and I will adjust the scene as necessary. I always leave time after games for a debriefing to check in with everyone and am available for a decent amount of time after for questions, comments, or concerns.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Debriefing
  • Lines and Veils
  • Session 0
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

Character Creation happens during session 0 and will be done at the table for this game. Please feel free to come with ideas if you're familiar with Monster of the Week, but please don't have anything finalized, you never know what could inspire you as we talk through things at the table.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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