Mighty Adventures in the Mindspin Mountains

Mighty Adventures in the Mindspin Mountains

Pathfinder 1e on Foundry VTT, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2.75 to 3.25 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

The proud town of Trunau has refused to cede any ground to the orcish hordes that wish to conquer all the land around the Hold of Belkzen. After all they are farmers, and it is their land. Trunauans would rather rebuild the palisades for the 100th time and defend them for the 101st than retreat from what they consider their home. However such a dedication isn't easy. As the orc hordes crash upon their gates season after season they have built a culture around ferocious defense of their town, but what will happen when soon a more sophisticated attack is planned from within the defenses themselves? And why suddenly is Trunau being attacked by a more clever force that is open to subterfuge rather than open sieges? There must be something sinister brewing just over the horizon in the vast and uncharted Mindspin Mountains. In this campaign the players will start by attending an important festival held in Trunau, but before long (level 5 or so) they will be free to roam about the region exploring as they please, or work together to stop the large scale threats that endanger the region. This game takes place in a customized version of the area around The Hold of Belkzen in the world of Golarion. This setting is largely based on the High-Fantasy works of J.R.R. Tolkien and features many classic fantasy themes such as orcs, kingdoms, giants, war, mountain exploration, etc. New players & old are welcome! I have run this Adventure for people who were totally new not just to PF1e, but TTRPG as a whole and they are now avid fans of the hobby.


Less than a year on StartPlaying

53 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, Knows the Rules

Additional Details

How to prepare

Required: - Join my Discord and send me a message (https://discord.gg/P857Z3H4h9) - A device capable of accessing a website via browser - Microphone with at least intelligible quality Recommended: -Laptop/PC (FoundryVTT doesn't technically support touchscreen/android devices. It also can be somewhat laggy and frustrating to use on very low performance machines. If you only have a low performance or touchscreen device it is still possible to play, but don't expect to be able to fully utilize many of the awesome features of FoundryVTT)

What I provide

I will bring EVERYTHING needed for a great time! - A fun loving attitude and skills to keep the game moving and ensure everyone will get their time in the spotlight and a chance to seek the type of fun they enjoy from a TTRPG. - Fully tooled Foundry VTT instance that will make playing even Mathfinder1e a breeze!

Gameplay details

Lines & Veils will be discussed in session 0 and I will type up a quick shared doc while we do so. XNO Cards will be handled with a Foundry module to make things as easy as possible, although if you were to reach out to me another way instead of course I will respect any way you tell me you are uncomfortable with the direction the game is going. Most of the content warnings above can be worked around for this adventure, so if you are interested in playing but one of the content warnings is concerning you definitely reach out and we'll have a discussion! My games are usually a fairly even mix of tactical combat and non-combat role-playing opportunities. I go fairly light on the puzzles as I find them to be a divisive element of TTRPG play among most groups. However one of my strengths is that I love to identify and lean into whatever kind of game elements my table really enjoys. If we get a table of players that loves to dive into character and explore political intrigue, there will be much more of that! If I feel your eyes glazing over every time you aren't killing stuff, we'll do mostly combat! If the group likes it balances, we'll stay balanced! This game takes inspiration and set pieces from the Giantslayer adventure path, though (especially after the first arc) I consider it to be closer to an original world and campaign than "playing the Adventure Path". The game will be played on a fully tooled instance of FoundryVTT, with voice communication happening in Discord. You can expect fully functioning scenes with walls, lights, automated bonuses, sounds, elevation, the whole 9 yards!

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Lines and Veils
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

Characters will start at first level and use 20 point-buy for stats. All 1st party Pathfinder1e content is available (with some small exceptions I will share via google doc you can see in my discord) Characters will be created as a group during Session 0 so that we may all be on the same page as far as setting, backstory, motivation, etc. We will correspond before session 0 so if you want to bounce ideas off of me and have an idea ready for session 0 that is great! Side note here as I didn't know where else to put this; Session 0 and 1 each will be half price (essentially giving a "free" session 0), but I prefer to collect some money for session 0 otherwise in my experience there are a lot of window shoppers and the players who actually want to play get frustrated because they've had multiple session 0s and no game

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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