Have YOU Ever Wanted to Be on a LIVE-Streamed Game? Are You Into Marvel Universe TableTop RPG? FREE Tableforming Meeting to Interview Potential Players/Voice Actors!

Have YOU Ever Wanted to Be on a LIVE-Streamed Game? Are You Into Marvel Universe TableTop RPG? FREE Tableforming Meeting to Interview Potential Players/Voice Actors!

Marvel Super-Heroes FASERIP on Owlbear Rodeo, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 0.25 to 0.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

If you're not too shy to game with your camera on, this might be for you. GM with 40 years of gaming experience and one year of full-time pro-GM experience is recruiting for tables of live-streaming quality players. This could be a chance for hopeful voice actors to get noticed online, impress your friends, become a gaming legend, etc. Not everyone can be accepted. There is an interview process to go through and a free training program if accepted. These are not paid positions, unfortunately. We'll all need a little more fame for that. But who knows what the future holds? If you cannot make the exact time of this tableforming session, but are still interested, you can contact GM Jon on Discord at https://discord.gg/xq5nRcnqBZ. Looking forward to meeting enthusiastic gamers with great characters. Good luck to everyone! P.S. The time we are looking at right now to schedule shows (it will change in the future, after school is out) is 5:30pm Central Time (Chicago/St. Louis/Dallas) on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, as well as a more flexible set of hours Sunday nights. Your game session would be once a week in one of these time slots. We realize not everyone is available in this time slot and more time slots will be available after the school year is over. MORE INFO IS AVAILABLE AT http://www.gameshopsbasement.com. Say "hi" on Discord ASAP if you can.

Published Writer

3 years on StartPlaying

497 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, World Builder

Additional Details

How to prepare

Character concepts and stats will be worked out in Discord discussion before Session One. The Game Master should receive a copy of or a link to the character sheet.

What I provide

Been a Marvel comics fan for 47 years. Been playing Marvel FASERIP since the 1980's.

Gameplay details

Safety Tools and Content Advisory Info You may have heard the old adage that working with groups of humans is like herding cats. This can certainly be true at a TTRPG table, especially one at which the players didn’t really know each other before they joined the campaign and who don’t really get to know each other outside the campaign either as friends, coworkers, classmates, or what have you. Let’s face it, sometimes there are innocent misunderstandings between people, sometimes there are conflicts in different expectations of playstyle, and sometimes, sometimes people are just jerks. For example, once I had to permanently ban someone from the Discord server for consistently showing up drunk and belligerent to the game. Safety Tool: PM the DM In our games, the most important safety tool for your use is the Discord private message feature. I personally have been pro-DMing full-time (40+ hours per week) since May 2021. That’s quite a lot of hours gaming. Here are some examples of real instances which have gotten handled by PMing the DM: Once, a rogue in D&D used slight of hand skill to hide some treasure from the party. Another player felt that this was “PVP” and talked to me about it privately. Then, I talked to the rogue’s player privately and all is now good. They still adventure, laugh, and play together. Some players founded a new time slot and a new table to avoid another player who was really bringing down their gaming experience. The player whom they wished to avoid wasn’t doing anything “wrong” per se. He wasn’t threatening anyone, or using profanity, or posting porn in the Discord thread, or behaving in any kind of bigoted way. In other words, he wasn’t doing anything bannable. He was just, simply…..annoying. In a private conversation, we found another timeslot that was good for the folks who preferred to not game with him, and problem solved, without hurting anyone’s feelings or offending anyone. In the beginning, in May 2021, players were allowed to roll dice any way they wished, including physical dice at home, apps on their phone, whatever. Eventually, several players contacted me on Discord about certain players whose characters never missed saving throws, never missed to-hit in combat, never bombed skill checks, and never did anything less than awesome top-end damage. This was really negatively impacting other people’s chance at enjoyment that they had paid for. After hearing them out, I instituted a couple of Discord dice bots that I like and now all dice rolls are public. Players then reached out privately to thank me and assure me that things were much improved. So, if there are any issues at our games that you think should be addressed, don’t hesitate to PM the DM. Chances are, it can be taken care of privately so that no one is embarrassed or put on display in front of their peers during a game, because that would be…...awkward for all. Together, with a little patience, discretion, and maturity, maybe we can herd cats, after all, in a direction that’s fun for everyone. :) Content Advisory “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!”--Conan the Barbarian when asked “What is best in life?” “The most evil monsters in D&D aren’t drow or dragons or vampires or any of those things in the Monster Manual. The most evil monsters in D&D are humans beings, because there is no limit to what one human being will do to another human being.”--Ron Watson, the man who taught me how to DM In case folks haven’t noticed, most TTRPGs, especially D&D, are violent games. If a player wasn’t ok with pretend violence (slicing into enemies with swords, blasting enemies with magically conjured lightning, taking advantage of a distracted enemy for a rogue’s “sneak attack”, etc.), then they’re probably not playing D&D or most TTRPGs. That said, there are some topics of content that can make the game a more mature-themed fantasy as opposed to fantasy in say, an episode of My Little Pony. (There actually IS a My Little Pony TTRPG that focuses on problem solving without combat. It’s incredibly cute and my character is a pegasus. Don’t judge!) In many D&D worlds, there are cultures loosely based on historical Earth cultures as well as cultures imagined more whole cloth out of fantasy. Many of those cultures have institutionalized injustice, just as they did in real Earth history. The Empire of Thyatis in Mystara, for example, is a Roman Empire knock-off culture and has a huge and vibrant slave trade. Drow cultures based on Lolth are misandrist and matriarchal, while other cultures are misogynist and patriarchal. How player characters function in a world with widespread wrongness and unfairness gives them a chance to be the heroes and the fully-developed characters they can be. Sometimes heroes aren’t the toughest physical combatants in the land. Sometimes the heroes are the Rosa Parks’s, the Martin Luther King, jr’s, the Sparticus’s, and the William Wilberforce’s of the world, the ones who found a different path than to just shrug their shoulders and say, “I’m just one person. What can I do against an entire system?” They are the ones who took action anyway, and made a difference. There are themes that are unfortunately part of human nature and human experience: war, slavery, violence, racism, misandry, misogyny, and persecution of the “different” simply because it is different. In a realistically portrayed game world, with these things portrayed realistically, they are easily seen for what they are: wrong. They are not glorified, glamorized, romanticized, or excused. Whenever they may appear, their ugliness is on full display. While we do laugh and have a lot of fun in our games, there is a gritty side to my DMing style. One of my favorite villains to use is the Iron Ring, an international slave trade organization. They make great villains because it’s so easy to stir up players to hate them. They’re clearly evil. Also, since they are an international organization, they won’t go away simply because the PCs won a boss fight. There will always be new Iron Ring bosses. So, if you’re up for fun but gritty D&D, ask me to run D&D. If you’d like to try a world of literal unicorns and rainbows and non-combat centered encounters, ask me to run “Tails of Equestria”, the My Little Pony RPG, because I will. ;)

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
How will character creation work

Character concepts and stats will be worked out in Discord discussion before Session One. The Game Master should receive a copy of or a link to the character sheet.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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