Lost Mines of Phandelver Randomized: Phandalin 101 (LMoP  intro for beginners)

Lost Mines of Phandelver Randomized: Phandalin 101 (LMoP intro for beginners)

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Roll20, Discord, Zoom, Google Hangouts, Theater of the Mind

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

I want to get more experience running games virtually so enjoy this for free as I get myself in gear. Think of this campaign as a highly adaptable setting stripped to bare elements and different every time; a sandbox rogue-lite! A core story is taken from LMoP in the Starter Set as well as from DoIP in the Essentials Kit. Many other influences will be cited if used but overall influences on GM style would be: Brennan Lee Mulligan of Dimension 20, NADDpod's crew, Matt Colville and many others. When a group of players and a date are selected, I will make myself as available as possible over discord for questions and a "session zero" to assemble a party, each players level of comfort and taboos before gameplay. Everyone must agree on a platform: zoom, discord, google hang, club penguin. Also some of the first games may be more theater of the mind as I learn VTT platforms tho I have experience with Roll20. A mystery unfolds on the Sword Coast as unknown forces encroach upon a struggling frontier town outside the Northern coastal city of Neverwinter. If you are a returning player, some NPCs and locations are removed or introduced, storefronts and faces change, but no combination can save this overwhelmed ghost town without help from our Party of Adventurers! The Phandalin you may have experienced is a husk of what it once was: what it could become again. Stripping out non-essential elements allows for an easy environment for new players to learn the ropes and notice the repercussions of choices, actions leading to reactions.

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

Access to a copy of the PHB or equivalent basic rules PDF. Internet access and some device (preferably computer) to communicate and play through: Discord is generally my go-to barebones. A desire to learn, play up a role and imagine how you'd interact with events your party deals with.

What I provide

I bring my knowledge and experience and many adventure and source books (official and homebrew, some mine and most credited to others). A whole system of gameplay with random tables, characters, customization options. As I grow this operation I plan to make 3D or 2D cinematic vignettes available to recap sessions, but at the moment I have neither the time nor an adequate computer set up to be so ambitious.

Gameplay details

I always enjoy majority roleplay, but I play every NPC so you are not expected to do voices as well, don't feel intimidated. It's all for fun and no one will be penalized for making the "wrong" choice; the group will decide ahead of time what experience ought to be expected. Adventuring puzzles are pretty light and more so focused on battle tactics over riddles and logic. Combat will be significant and instructional but snappy so no one feels bored outside of their turns This campaign template is fully flexible to get wrapped up in a session or two or last ten or more; entirely encased in Phandalin and the mining operation or expanding to cities, towns, forest and mountains surrounding the adventure beyond tenth level. Shorter and sweet allow me flexibility so a price may be introduced if a long-form campaign is desired.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

I have many templates for characters (mostly available to start lvl 1-5) which will be made available to choose from: NPCs made available as PCs Starter Set pre-generated characters Some enemies available to redeem as PCs Sidekicks of all shapes and sizes for small parties

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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