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Lost Mine of Phandelver - The Perfect Intro to DnD!

Lost Mine of Phandelver - The Perfect Intro to DnD!

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2.5 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: None

Price per player-session

About the adventure

"It all started as a simple job - deliver the cargo to Phandalin. Easy money, right? Well, what is about to follow will shape the future of the Realm..." DnD's Lost Mine of Phandelver is a classic module for Fifth Edition - and it's a pretty good one with a healthy mix of combat, exploration and social interaction! You get to: šŸ° delve into dungeons šŸ§™ā€ā™‚ļø uncover hidden plots šŸ² fight epic monsters šŸ”‘ find lost treasures šŸ§ interact with NPCs This game is perfect if you want to try DnD 5e for the first time or if you are an experienced player who is looking to have fun, perhaps to try out a new class for a shorter campaign. šŸ”° I run a patient, inclusive and beginner friendly game with as much rule explanation as you need! You can create your own character or alternatively I can generate you a character sheet based on your preferences so you can experience the game without too much hassle. šŸ“ Don't worry if you are not a rules expert - that's my job ;) I generally run the game close to the rules but I am always ready to bend them a little bit to reward player creativity and keep the ebb and flow of the game! šŸŒŠ šŸ¤— In the free session zero we will discuss the details of what can be expected from the game, as well as make your characters! A (free) Discord and a (free) Forge VTT account will be required. ā˜  About the Adventure Hook: "Legends speak of a vast cavern system rich in ore, the Wave Echo Cave, and the mighty Forge of Spells within it. They say that whoever can claim the Mine and the Forge will be rich beyond imagination. These stories are nothing more than legends and lore - but the rumors of buried riches have attracted treasure hunters and opportunists to the area around Phandalin, and the ruins of its sister city, Thundertree ā€“ but no one has ever succeeded in locating the lost mine. In recent years, on the wave of the rumors, Phadalin has become a rough-and-tumble frontier town, with many eyes falling upon it. The Rockseeker brothers ā€“ a trio of dwarves ā€“ claim to have discovered the entrance to Wave Echo Cave, and they intend to reopen the mines. Unfortunately for the Rockseekers and the communities on the Wild Frontier, they are not the only ones interested in the Wave Echo Cave. The dwarves suspect this and the oldest brother Gundren, your old acquaintance, seeks your help. Gundren asks you to make a delivery to Phandalin, a cart of gear and supplies that will be instrumental in exploring, clearing and re-opening the mines. He makes it very clear that the delivery is just the first step and he will offer you more work and he intends to rely on you heavily in recovering what was lost."

1 year on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

šŸ² A headset or microphone and headphones are necessary - in other words please do not use speakers when in voice chat. šŸ² A webcam is recommended but not mandatory (I will be using one!). More on this in Session 0! šŸ² A (free) Discord account is necessary šŸ² A (free) Forge-VTT account is necessary

What I provide

šŸ² Foundry VTT and Forge šŸ² Lost Mine of Phandelver šŸ² A lot of DnD experience! šŸ² A fun game!

Gameplay details

šŸ’Ŗ I foster a fast paced game where players can expect a healthy mix of combat, role-playing and exploration with the scale tipping towards combat due to the nature of the module. This can and will be tailored to player preferences! šŸ™Œ I encourage open feedback and communication. The details on the expectations and safety tools will be discussed in the Session 0! āœ‹ Please be advised that English is not my first language! I am said to be clear and easy to understand but please expect an accent - on the flip side of that, expect extra patience for non-native speakers! This is a safe space for all! šŸ¤Ÿ This is a beginner friendly game, but experienced players are also welcome! šŸ“… The game will happen every Monday at 19:30 CET / 18:30 GMT. We start when we have 4 players. If you want to join as a group, then message me and we can discuss special requests (eg. time or group size changes).

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
How will character creation work

šŸ² Characters start at level 1 šŸ² You are encouraged to create your own character šŸ² For beginners: I can generate a character for you based on your preferences šŸ² Character sheets and stats will be tracked in Foundry (no purchase or additional effort required by you!)

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: None

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