Epic Fantasy Treasure Hunt - Lost Mine of Phandelver - New D&D 5E Players Welcome!!!

Epic Fantasy Treasure Hunt - Lost Mine of Phandelver - New D&D 5E Players Welcome!!!

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, D&D Beyond, Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 3 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

**All are welcome to join in this classic Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Adventure! This campaign serves as an excellent introduction to the mechanics of 5E and the grand adventures that await within! As an experienced DM, I can walk you through the process of character creation, the mechanics of roleplay, and even give an in-depth introduction to Roll20, the virtual tabletop!!!** In ages past, the Sword Mountains rang with the striking of anvils! The finest of enchanted blades and spell-crafted armors flowed from the Forge of Spells deep beneath the mountains. However, centuries ago, the anvils went silent, the enchanted flames went cold, and the secrets and treasures within have been lost to time. Until now... You and your companions have been hired by a dwarven excavator who has stumbled upon a cryptic clue to the lost entrance to the Forge of Spells! But you aren't the only ones seeking lost treasures! Whispers of roving bandits, shambling undead, venomous dragons, and someone far more sinister lurks in the shadows, watching your every move! What wonders await those clever enough to solve the ancient riddles? What treasures and secrets lie within the depths of the mountains? What dark secrets led to the disappearance of the Forge of Spells? And what great evil awaits those who seek it?

Voice Actor

1 year on StartPlaying

5 games hosted

Additional Details

How to prepare

We will be using the Discord voice chat for our gameplay, so you will need some sort of mic, though a webcam is not necessary. You don't have to have access to a Player's Handbook or Basic Rules for this game, but that may be helpful in the long run. We'll be using Roll20 as our virtual tabletop, which is absolutely free and doesn't require any downloading to play. You also won't need to print out your character sheets or have your own dice, since all of that is included in Roll20 for free! All you'll need is a stable Internet connection, a sense of wonder, and an appetite for adventure!

What I provide

Everything we need to play an awesome adventure (including all character sheets, virtual dice, character tokens, maps, monster tokens, digital handouts, lore, game mechanics, music, sound effects, voices, etc.) will be provided by me! The only thing you'll need is a stable Internet connection, a PC or laptop, a microphone (your computer's microphone should do the trick), a little imagination, and a thirst for adventure!

Gameplay details

We will start out with a Session 0, which serves as an introductory meet-up to discuss the game, go over basic gameplay rules, build our characters together, and discuss what kinds of things we're excited to see in the game! I will be regularly checking in with each player to ensure everyone is having the best time possible. I'll maintain an open line of communication at all times to answer any issues/problems that may arise during the game, evaluating where we are as a group and where we want to be! No Experience Required!!! All you need is a stable Internet connection and a sense of adventure!

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Debriefing
  • Luxton Technique
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
How will character creation work

I will be hosting a Session 0, which serves as an Introductory Meet-Up for all players! We will get to know each other a bit, go over some general house-keeping rules, give an overview of the setting and story, work as a group on creating characters that are fun and engaging, and introduce a few basic functions in Roll20! If you have your own ideas for your character or backstory, I would love to hear it! If not, we'll make something awesome together!

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Low
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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