Lost Mine of Phandelver

Lost Mine of Phandelver

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, D&D Beyond, Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 4 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

In the city of Neverwinter, a dwarf named Gundren Rockseeker asked you to bring a wagonload of provisions to the rough-and-tumble settlement of Phandalin, a couple of days’ travel southeast of the city. Gundren was clearly excited and more than a little secretive about his reasons for the trip, saying only that he and his brothers had found “something big,” and that he’d pay you ten gold pieces each for escorting his supplies safely to Barthen’s Provisions, a trading post in Phandalin. He then set out ahead of you on horse, along with a warrior escort named Sildar Hallwinter, claiming he needed to arrive early to “take care of business.” You’ve spent the last few days following the High Road south from Neverwinter, and you’ve just recently veered east along the Triboar Trail. You’ve encountered no trouble so far, but this territory can be dangerous. Bandits and outlaws have been known to lurk along the trail... --- So begins the Dungeons and Dragons fifth edition starter set. Igniting the imaginations of both rookie and journeyman alike, this adventure has carved its way into a fantastic starting point for the new adventurer. From the Triboar Trail to Wave Echo Cave, I invite you to visit, or revisit, these locations with fresh eyes. Let us begin at the beginning, as they say, and see where it takes us. Some homebrew included.

Women/Femme Identifying

1 year on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

🎤 Decent mic for voice chat 🎥 Web cam for video chat (optional!) 👾 Discord account (free to register!) 🎭 Character created on D&D Beyond (coordination welcome!) ✨ A sense of whimsy and silliness

What I provide

🎨 Pictures and licensed images to establish ambience 🎶 Stock and licensed music to do more of the above 🐲 An adventure with maps and tokens and things 🎲 An immersive tabletop experience through Foundry VTT 👀 My own sense of whimsy and weirdness

Gameplay details

💬 Session Zero: we will meet and greet for the first session and go over as a group the dynamics we would like to have between our characters, the organizations we would like to avoid or include in gameplay, as well as discuss potential in-game goal wishlists. Players can also expect to do character creation during this session. 📃 Consent Checklist: this will be found in a drive prior to game's start! Please feel free to be as open as possible, in order that I might help you enjoy the game better. Sometimes, a game's content is not suited for everyone, and that's okay! Please do not feel pressured to be "okay" with all content. ❌ ❓ ⭕: X, N, and O cards, as depicted by emoji to the left. Please, please feel free to either publicly let the group know in the Discord voice channel text, or privately to me as a personal message, how you are feeling about the content to that we may respond in real time. You don't have to explain yourself. Just send along an ❌ if you want to hard-stop what is happening, a ❓ if you wish to begin fading to black, or an ⭕ if you want the content to continue. 🚪 Open Door policy: if you, the player, need to leave, whether permanently or temporarily, that is okay. I would ask, as a personal favor, that you reach out to me in order to debrief, hopefully without triggering further trauma, to go over what I could have done better in crafting the experience for you. 💭 Breaks: we will be taking them regularly, roughly 15 minutes for every two hours. Even if you think you are fine emotionally and mentally with content, we really shouldn't be sitting and staring at screens for so long. 🙂 Everyone gets a chance to bio, get some water or snacks, and otherwise decompress for a bit. 🌟 Stars and Wishes: after gameplay, I'll be happy to receive feedback regarding your experience! If you were to let your friends, a family member, or your doppelganger (non-evil!) play this game, what would you recommend I change? What would you keep the same?

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

We will use D&D Beyond for character creation, with access to any resources I have at the time. All characters will begin at level 1 and can be point-buy or standard array, to Adventure's League standards.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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