Legends of Evaria - The Lost Continent

Legends of Evaria - The Lost Continent

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Welcome to the magical world of Evaria, a realm that is as enchanting as it is unpredictable. Here, the natural elements have a life of their own, and the slightest change can trigger a chain reaction that alters the course of history. It's a world of beauty and wonder, but also of danger and uncertainty, where one must be prepared for anything. On the cold continent of Reverof, four nations stand united in their quest for prosperity. The icy landscapes of the Northlands are home to the resilient people of Winter's End, who have mastered the art of surviving in the harsh, unforgiving environment. To the south, the lush forests of the Greenwood provide a home to the diverse communities of the Kyrinthia, who have a deep connection with nature and its secrets. In the west, the proud nation of Kon Dorihl stands tall, guarding the ancient secrets hidden beneath the mountains. And finally, in the east, the bustling metropolis of Voxis sits upon the coast, acting as a gateway to the rest of Reverof. Each of these nations has its own unique culture and way of life, but they are all bound by a common purpose - to ensure the prosperity of their people and the survival of their land. They know that every action they take, no matter how small, can have a profound impact on the delicate balance of Evaria. Meanwhile, across the sea, the people of the Viridian Isles are in a constant state of preparation for war, sending their fleets of ships to invade the shores of Reverof in hopes of conquest. The people of Reverof are ever-vigilant, prepared to defend their home and their way of life at any cost. The butterfly effect is a constant presence in Evaria, a reminder that even the smallest change can have far-reaching consequences. And yet, the people of Reverof stand strong and united, knowing that their fate is in their own hands. Will you join them in their quest for prosperity and survival? The choice is yours.

Voice Actor

1 year on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

• You can prepare by ensuring you have a decent mic with good enough quality to clearly be heard. • Be certain of your availability, I understand we can have emergencies and changes of plan but do try to keep a consistent schedule.

What I provide

I will provide you with source books to utilize and a plethora of maps and occasionally artwork (should I find the time).

Gameplay details

What to Expect: • Evaria is a high fantasy world, this campaign's setting takes place on the continent of Reverof. A colder climate location. • The ratio of Roleplay to Combat will be determined by your decisions made as a group, but usually its 70/30. Puzzles and riddles are included in this mix with the aid of hints should you ask for them. • Roleplay is going to be thoughtful and even thought provoking. Don't shy away from giving it your all! • Combat while less prevalent is still intense, I urge you to make smart plays and improvise when you have the chance. Should things go awry, do not shy away from death as it will not shy away from you. Rules for Joining: • While I am not a rules lawyer, I highly advise that you join with the basic knowledge of how to play as it will allow for more smoother gameplay. This includes the usage of your character sheet and knowing what your features and traits do. • Allow others to speak and participate in the game. A rule of thumb is to allow others to the chance to speak if you had just finished making a point or presenting an idea. • When making your character, be sure to create a cooperative and flexible character for roleplay. Mechanically, you can play anything you'd like. But do not make a character who will not join or help their fellow teammates because "it's what my character would do". • By no means will I allow rude behavior in my game, be kind to your fellow players and your DM.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Lines and Veils
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
How will character creation work

Character Creation Rules: • I will allow the usage of any race, class, or subclass from the Official D&D 5e source books. Do not worry, I own all of them and you will receive access to these books. • Characters will begin at 1st level. • When creating your character, we will be using standard array and taking class equipment. • Multiclassing is allowed as well as taking feats when you reach an ability score increase. • I'm fine with homebrewed player races, however no homebrewed classes or subclasses. • Be sure to create a backstory for your character, I will be there to help you link it to this world and create NPCs that tie into your character's backstory.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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