Legends (Lvl 20) - The Queen's Summons

Legends (Lvl 20) - The Queen's Summons

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Tarrasque.io

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Advanced

Price per player-session

About the adventure

The realm of Aratreya has known peace for many years . . . thanks in large part to adventurers like you. Though the lands are largely human, under the wise rule of Queen Merynthia, peoples of the other races have been welcomed and found a home amongst her subjects, with the might crafts of the dwarves, the sage wisdom of the elves, and ingenuity of the other races all contributing to its prosperity. Now, however, a shadow looms, and whether you're a loyal knight, a grand magus, a coldhearted sellsword, or anything in between, the call has gone out. Three days ago, a courier found you with a summons of urgent import. * * * * * "Dear Adventurer, The times are dire indeed for me to be calling on your aid. No matter the services you've rendered unto us in the past or the wrongs you've done, you are needed now. An evil comes for the heart of our land. If you would see it stopped, you will be handsomely rewarded. You have my oath. Should you accept the call to action, meet me before nightfall on the last day of the moon. I fear we can wait no longer than that. In grace, -Queen Merynthia" * * * * * Will you answer the call? * * * * * Welcome to "Legends - The Queen's Call", a one-shot of epic proportions. Take up the mantle of a hero of the realm, known far and wide for your exploits, and come to the aid of the realm in its darkest hour. This level 20 session will challenge your tactics and wit, as well as your strength of character as you unravel the dark plot set to destroy the country.

Women/Femme Identifying

3 years on StartPlaying

272 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Sets the Mood

Additional Details

How to prepare

For gameplay, I will be using 4 websites/programs. [list] [*] Dndbeyond - My collection includes all major published works which will be made available via content sharing on the campaign page. I'll also share special homebrew backgrounds that can be chosen to enmesh yourself in the setting, and homebrew items that can be acquired in game. [b]Create a free account in order to access my shared content.[/b] [*] Discord - We'll use this for voice and dice rolls with the help of free browser extension called "Beyond20" which allows for virtual dice rolls off your dndbeyond sheet to be forwarded straight to discord chat. [b]You'll need a free discord account and either the desktop app or the in-browswer client.[/bl] My discord has guides for helping to set everything up. Install Discord and create a free account. If you're using firefox or chrome, I encourage you to also install Beyond20 for character sheet and dice integration. [*] Tarrasque.io - This is a low-weight virtual tabletop currently in beta that I'm helping to test, and by participating in my game, you'll get an invitation to make a free player account and try it out. It's quick, efficient, and entirely browser based. After joining the game, I'll send you an invitation to make a free player account. [*] HeroForge - As part of the game, I invite you to create a mock-up of your character on Heroforge.com and share them with me. I'll create a token and portrait of them for use on the VTT, yours to keep when we're done. [/list] Other than those, you'll need a microphone and a stable internet connection.

What I provide

I bring a full collection of dndbeyond content, a lightweight virtual tabletop, access to custom portrait and token creation, and custom made, full color maps.

Gameplay details

This one-shot adventure takes level 20 characters at the height of their fame (or infamy) and places the fate of the dominion of Aratreya, its queen, and people in their hands. Like so many players, I've had lots of experience playing with low level characters, fighting goblins, orcs, and zombies, but it's so rare to get to fight the truly legendary creatures that d&d has to offer. This adventure was born from a desire to let players explore that and enjoy flexing the power afforded to mighty characters at max level.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Luxton Technique
  • Open Door
How will character creation work

Character creation will follow a few guidelines, mostly standard, but with a few additions to create flavor. [list] [*]Characters will start at level 20. We'll use standard array for stats. All official character class and race options are allowed, including Tasha's custom origin options. Unpublished unearthed arcana will be allowed on a case by case basis. [*]In addition to starting resources (either equipment or average wealth), players may start with 3 magical items: 1 uncommon, 1 rare, and 1 very rare. These are the treasures of your legend and the symbols by which you are known as a mighty hero or terrifying villain. Spellcasters may start with whatever material components are necessary for casting their spells known/prepared, and all characters may outfit themselves with reasonable amounts of whatever mundane equipment they care to have with them. [*]Alignment - I have a somewhat unconventional take on alignment. Good is more aptly called altruism, or a character's willingness to put others before themselves. Evil, conversely, is more appropriately titled selfishness, or a character's tendency to place their own needs before others. Lawful and chaotic leanings, then, are a character's respect (or lack thereof) for authority. Neither axis defines personality. Because of this, I'm willing to accept characters of any alignment. I'm not willing to accept outright villains, though. A thief might be chaotic neutral or even evil, but still work together and care about their group. Even if the character at times chafes at this or questions their own loyalty, I expect the player to commit to always furthering the long-term health of the group. [/list]

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Advanced

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