Learn to Play D&D | The Claret Wellspring: A lvl 4 one-shot | Beginner and LGBTQ+ Friendly

Learn to Play D&D | The Claret Wellspring: A lvl 4 one-shot | Beginner and LGBTQ+ Friendly

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Fantasy Grounds

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2.5 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session


About the adventure

Traveling through the desert, your eyes are drawn towards something shiny: Lights. In the middle of nowhere. Luring you, leading you through the barren desert towards an unlikely oasis. An oasis surrounded by ruins and whose water is red as blood. Will you hear the call of adventure and investigate the mysteries behind The Claret Wellspring? -------------------------------------- šŸ² Learn to play the premier Tabletop RPG in the world šŸ“ƒ Bite-sized, short, single-session adventures - No long-term commitments! šŸ§ Create your own character or choose a premade one with backstory included šŸ”€ Keep playing your character through sessions, or have him join a full-fledged campaign Learning to play D&D can be a daunting task - the rules, the lore, the classes, it all can feel quite scary for newcomers. It doesn't have to be that way. In this series of one-shots, we'll be running a different adventure every week with the goal of teaching you how to play Dungeons and Dragons. Come for a single adventure, or stay for the long run. Join us in session one, or in session three - it doesn't matter. Whenever you join, you'll get a full, bite-sized adventure with a GM dedicated to teaching you the ropes of the premier tabletop roleplaying game in the world.

Published Writer

2 years on StartPlaying

507 games hosted

Highly rated for: Teacher, Inclusive, Creativity

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

Additional Details

How to prepare

As a player, you need only have three simple things for this. 1. Fantasy Grounds Unity running on your Windows/Mac/Linux computer. You can download the free version from here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/ . Purchase of the Standard version is not only not necessary but discouraged - you'll gain nothing from it, as my Ultimate license already covers it. 2. Discord running on your or mobile device, whichever you choose. You can get it from here: https://discord.com/ or from your phone's own app store. Please make sure you're able to participate in voice chat (both listen to and speak,) as it is instrumental for the adventures. You'll need to join my Discord server. The address will be given on signup. 3. A desire to play or learn to play the world's largest roleplaying game. Previous experience doesn't matter, I've got you. Together we can sure turn you into one fine roleplayer.

What I provide

My knowledge of TTRPGs (D&D in this case,) a Discord server where we'll host the game, an Ultimate license of Fantasy Grounds, and the content/sourcebooks on Fantasy Grounds. I also bring a desire to help others get into D&D and guide them along the way of learning to deal with character creation and development.

Gameplay details

The adventures we run in this series will be mostly light-hearted fare, made to fit in single 2-3 hour sessions. The themes will vary from crazy to more serious, but in general they'll remain relatively soft. Even when adventures are one-shots, roleplaying is encouraged. Both roleplaying and combat are important parts in Dungeons & Dragons campaigns, and it is my goal to teach you how to do both, all the while also teaching you how to use Fantasy Grounds. ------------------------- Safety Information ------------------------- Most adventures in this set consist of short encounters, with few deep or potentially threatening themes. However, since every one of us is different, we do host conversations at the start of each session to better avoid any possible triggering situations. Tables are operated under strict no-harassment, no-racism, no-LGBTQ+phobia policies and are meant to be a safe space for all. To help players deal with potential stress resulting from in-game situations, sessions can be stopped at any moment if a player feels triggered, even if the situation creating it wasn't one discussed before and thus not one of the previously agreed-on lines or veils. It is my duty to offer you the safest experience I can, and I'll hold myself to it.

Content warnings


Safety tools used

  • Aftercare

  • Breaks

  • Debriefing

  • Lines and Veils

  • Luxton Technique

  • Luxton Technique Discussion

  • Open Door

  • Stars and Wishes

  • X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

For each session, players can choose whether to create a new character or use one of my premade characters, all of which come with their own backstories already. Players who would rather create their own characters will receive attention and guidance not only on choosing a character's stats and particular skills, but on creating a compelling backstory and personality for said character. Even if it's for a one-shot, having a well-developed character can greatly help players get into the game's mindset. Players who repeatedly join us in these one-shots can reuse their characters week after week. Just as well, players who decide to join one of our full-length campaigns are welcome to bring their characters over, although level adjustments might be necessary in those cases. For character creation methods, the whole array of options (dice rolls, standard array, point buy) is allowed. You choose which one suits you better.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium

  • Roleplay: Medium

  • Puzzles: Medium

  • Experience Level: Beginner

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