Knights of Sor-reath (Sore REE-ath) homebrew D&D5e

Knights of Sor-reath (Sore REE-ath) homebrew D&D5e

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 5 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Sor-reath is a homebrew world for D&D5e. *Sor-reath is a planet. Sor-reath is a Goddess. *One (a sentient psionic crystal asteroid) crashed into her causing cataclysmic events on Sor-reath's surface. In order to save her creations and herself she and One became unified, comingled, part of each other in order to protect and in the process crate new life on Sor-reath during and after the impact event. *Rapscallion is the name of the god child the two created when saving all life on Sor-reath's surface. Sor-reath is a good nature Goddess, One is a neutral psionics God and rapscallion is the Evil God of magic. The Knights of Sor-reath are a world wide group of good and neutral guardians of justice, adventurers for hire, keepers of the peace and all around nice Guys and Gals. You and your fellow party member's are a part of this group and are here to keep the world safe for goodly folk everywhere. ------------------------------------- This will be a series of adventures that will meet weekly and play through adventures that I have made and some premade modules adapted to fit Sor-reath. ------------------------------------- Character creation will be on session 0 and you will have access to my discord server for the Knights of Sor-reath adventures, which will have links to the info you will need to get started. ------------------------------------ I run a lot of hack n slash and allow for as much role play as the players are up for. ------------------------------------ I would like to stream the sessions as I am a streamer. ( more on that before session 0)

3 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Voices, Inclusive

Additional Details

How to prepare

This world has more psionics and nature magic than it does arcane magic. arcane magic while not expressly evil is considered a shady practice that many common folk shun. Divine magic is just as new to the world as is arcane so the "clerics" of this world are called priests. all healers before the "Appearance" of the Gods were Druids, Vitalists, Rangers and Adepts. ----------------------- More will be available on my discord ------------------------ Sor-reath has recently gone through some major changes recently. The Gods had never existed to the people of Sor-reath until the evil son Rapscallion had broken free from his prison forcing his parents: the Goddess Sor-reath herself and his father the Psion God One: to make their presence known to the people as an answer to the new power that was unleashed upon the world Arcane magic!

What I provide

the story and the fodder.

Gameplay details

Hey Everyone! My name is bentchezgrater (bent cheese grater). Gen X Pisces Here are some things to expect if you Play with me. I like to stream my games and while my streams are labelled 18+, we still need to conduct ourselves appropriately. I will role play with PC's as much as I deem necessary for the game to be fun for all. I encourage players to talk in character to each other in voice chat (it makes for a more enjoyable time and show for all) and at the same time allow OOC or out of character conversation during the game (when its not distracting too much from the game). Should a player not want to chat in character in voice then in game chat works too. ( it all depends on what the players want and can agree to) The first session is always an explanation of my world and her history, character creation and a test battle to make sure that everything is working right. ( if there is time ) Most sessions should have at least one combat in them, some will spill into the next session(s) and some sessions will be spent spending downtime for shopping, trades, etc. either in a town or with a traveling Kitsune merchant (they seem to be everywhere!) As for the type of games I run, most will be modules from d&d5e related sources and some will be of my own design. I try to stay to the modules as best I can with the info that is supplied, and sometimes I will just have to make shit up.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

we will create our characters together. starting at lvl 0 for tutorial sessions and lvl 1 when game actually starts for realz. more info will be on the discord server Bent's Hall of Fun

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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