Kings Way : Into the Dark Forest

Kings Way : Into the Dark Forest

Chronicles of Darkness on Discord, Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Intermediate

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Welcome to the city of King's Way Colorado. This is my custom created campaign setting for all my mortal/hunter games in the chronicles of darkness, and in it players will explore the dark history of this mid western city. As you uncover more about King's way you will find horrors that may shatter your mind, break your body & even rob you of your very soul. Into the Dark Forest Outside the sickened & rotting city of Kings Way at the foot of the rockies lies Uffern Forest. Unlike the city of Kings Way, this is a place where nature rules, & very little evidence of civilization is present. But there are a few isolated cabins, camp grounds & ranger stations for those that decide to traverse its winding trails up into the mountains. But something lies in the heart of these mountains. Its bones run deeper & farther then any other place on the continent. And things dwell here that sing songs to dark deities & forgotten gods. When the wind stops, & all is quiet, you can hear the songs off in the distance calling..... ______________________________________________ This is a short term chronicle for my living city setting, Kings Way. Short term chronicles last around 4-8 sessions tops, & are only focused on one story set within the city. This game will focus on characters that are caught up in the events surrounding the nearby wilderness area west of the city. As such characters will be required to fit the mood/theme for the game. Concepts should be limited to those relevant for a wilderness setting. Park rangers, state troopers, hikers, campers, vacationers, hunters, etc. Characters will start with base creation but will be HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to take at least 2 dots in athletics with the challenges this chronicle will focus on.


3 years on StartPlaying

880 games hosted

Highly rated for: Sets the Mood, Storytelling, Teacher

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 67%

Additional Details

How to prepare

A discord account with quality microphone that allows for clear communication with a stable internet connection. Familiarity with the 80s era is useful but not 100% necessary, but familiarity with the Chronicles of Darkness rules is needed for a long term chronicle like this.

What I provide

I will be supplying the Foundry VTT for use with our game. Full custom created maps using dungeondraft & assets I've programed for it specifically for use with the Chronicles of Darkness.

Gameplay details

Most sessions will be a mixture of investigation, role playing & combat depending on where the current plot line is going. Combat is also very dangerous when up against supernatural creatures, so characters becoming injured or close to death is likely. Character deaths are uncommon but still very possible, depending on the actions of the party. These games are very high role play focused, so that will always take priority over hours of grinding combat. Content Warning : Descriptions of supernatural murder & horror(which may or may not occur to player characters). Violence. Obscene/vulgar language(cursing) Adult themes(sex, drinking, criminal activity) Sexual content will always fade to black if it occurs, & will never occur between player characters unless all involved players consent. Lines & veils will also be honored & set up ahead of the chronicle via discord chat, so that I can fine tune any plot content to avoid things players may not want to face in game. Additionally, I am always online via my discord both during & outside of game should you need to bring something to my attention, whether thats a veil thats being approached too close or something makes you uncomfortable.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Character generation will occur with everyone via a discord channel on the server I use. There players will create a party of characters with narrative ties to each other within the setting & write personal backgrounds prior to the first session. We will finalize characters at the start of the first session.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Low
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Intermediate

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