The Kingmaker Adventure Path presents a full-length campaign that chronicles the rise of a new nation—a kingdom built and ruled by your player characters! Face off against bands of bloodthirsty bandits, deadly and dangerous monsters, and mysterious menaces from other realities as you fight to claim the Stolen Lands as your own. Will you rule with justice and mercy, or will you become the very monsters you fought to oppose? In the Kingmaker Adventure Path, the destiny of the world’s newest nation is yours to decide!
Authors: Steven T. Helt, Tim Hitchcock, James Jacobs, Ron Lundeen, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Greg A. Vaughan, Richard Pett, Tom Phillips, Neil Spicer
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Kingmaker Reviews (12)
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This module is a classic and I've run the first chapter of the Pf2e series (adapted for Pf1e) for two different groups on FGU and Foundry. It was fun and Pf players are pretty solid and knowledgeable about the game, though it was perhaps harder to find players for, I do have the 5e Bestiary conversion and may run it as a DND adventure in the future.
First the good news: this is a long, detailed, complete adventure path that escorts your PCs along the path of building a new kingdom. You start as low-level adventurers fighting bandits, and you proceed to carve a new land out of the wilderness. Along the way there's an overarching story line with a lot of detail, but also a lot of room for a GM to improvise if that's your thing. The neutral news: it's long and much of it is a sandbox. So running or playing this is a commitment. And if your players don't like sandboxes, or get decision paralysis easily, this may not be a good choice. The bad news: the kingdom-building mechanics are kind of a mess. On the positive side, they don't really kick in until the PCs are 3rd or 4th level. So my suggestion would be to run a few sessions and, if your players like it, ask around for some of the home rules and hacks that people have developed -- or run the "Kingdom in the Background" option, which the adventure does support.
I am both a player and a GM for this right now. It’s a really intriguing story full of great moments with NPCs and players. It is a sandbox, leaving a lot of room for the players and the GMs to make it their own which I think is great. It’s a full AP designed to get you to level 20, so having a committed group to play with his a huge help, but there are so many ways naturally for another player to drop in. The kingdom rules are pretty intimidating upfront and can take a lot of time in session. We just use our chat to plan it out between sessions then breeze through it pretty well. It is an incredibly fun setting that I would recommend to any TTTPG fan to try. Plus the PF2e system is better than any other system for highly customizable characters that feel versatile, powerful and narratively driven without sacrificing competence in other areas.
A campaign that thrives on player's agency! Kingmaker is a real long term commitment for both players and GM. The mixture of hexploration, combat and roleplay makes for a very balanced campaign. GMs have to be ready to do a lot of work, though the framework is pretty well built the nature of the campaign calls for customized scenes and events to make the Kingdom feel actually alive. Narratively Kingmaker for 2e is a significant improvement over the original 1e Adventure Path. Better introduction for the PCs and some foreshadowing of the BBEG makes the campaign flow seamlessly. The Foundry module is an amazing piece of art, tech integration and love. So if you like VTTs you'll love it. There are some cons to the campaign too. The Kingdom rules are mediocre at best, slow, and not play-tested, following them RAW can easily end in a doom spiral that destroys the kingdom. If your group enjoys spreadsheets and strategic games I recommend looking at some of the hacks available to fix the most glaring problems, if your group doesn't like that kind of game, use the "Kingdom in the background" information present along the module and turn the kingdom management into a narrative element of your game. In conclussion, if you're willing to put in the work, Kingmaker is the kind of campaign players will rave about around the table for years to come.
So You Want To Play... Kingmaker
Podfinder gives you a Player's guide to Kingmaker, including lore and character build info so you are ready to take on this Adventure Path!
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Virtual table tops for Kingmaker (VTTs)
Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path
Pathfinder’s most-popular campaign ever returns in this massive new hardcover compilation updated to the latest Pathfinder rules! In this new, revised version of the classic Kingmaker Adventure Path campaign, the Stolen Lands have long been the domain of bandits and monsters, but no longer! Your party has been granted a charter to explore these wilds, defeat its dangers, and build a brand new nation. Yet not everyone will welcome you as new neighbors, and powerful supernatural forces have their own plans for the region. Can you defeat your kingdom’s enemies and become leaders of one of the greatest new nations in the world?