Kingdoms of Shipwreck!

Kingdoms of Shipwreck!

Pathfinder 1e on Discord, Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Avast there! Do you seek adventure? Do you seek glory? And most importantly do you seek GOLD?! Well then sign right here, join the crew & let us set sail on the high seas in the Kingdoms of Shipwreck. Shipwreck is a homebrew campaign setting for pathfinder 1st edition, that takes inspiration from things like One Piece & Pirates of the Caribbean, then throws it in a blender with the high fantasy of a traditional D&D game. The world of Shipwreck is 90% water, with islands of various sizes & shapes. This world is full of scuvy pirate lords seeking to cut a slice of it out & carve their own name in the legends of this world. At the center of this, lies the city of Shipwreck. A massive sprawling city, & the only neutral ground in all the world. Here adventurers can sign onto ship crews & go out to seek their fortune! And thats exactly what your doing, in fact, your signing on with the most legendary captain in all the world! The Captain Randolph Humphrey, also known as the Scourge of Shipwreck, has sailed all 4 corners of the world, from the Southern Swamps of the Kobold tribes, to braving the war torn waters of the dwarven kingdom of STEAMFIST. With his trusty halfling first mate, Mildred Smee, they hire on those who willing to brave the waters for adventure & glory. And most importantly the treasure! The Ship An old & powerful Galleon, the ship known as THE SUDDEN DISGRACE is one of the fastest of its type. Captain Humphrey has commanded her for over 20 years & while she may be full of holes, she can still out sail & out maneuver even the newest ships fresh out of drydock The Crew When players are not present for a game session, their characters will fade into the background of the crew. As the crew of the ship known as THE SUDDEN DISGRACE is manned by adventurers from all corners of the world it has no shortage of colorful characters(possibly new player characters?). This allows for players who are only interested in playing for a short time to be able to enjoy the game, & then maybe return later on. Long term players will be able to continue along with the crew on all its adventures. Game Notes - This game is a very inclusive LBGTQ+ focused campaign, with numerous NPCs that represent us. The games first zero session will occur at the next scheduled time, once we hit a minimum of 3 players.


3 years on StartPlaying

880 games hosted

Highly rated for: Sets the Mood, Storytelling, Teacher

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 67%

Additional Details

How to prepare

A discord account with quality microphone that allows for clear communication with a stable internet connection. Familiarity with the Pathfinder 1st edition rules is good but not required, as I will be supplying reference material via foundry for all the basic rules.

What I provide

I will be supplying the Foundry VTT for use with our game, with all the basic rules of Pathfinder 1st Edition input into it. Full custom created maps using dungeondraft & assets I've programed for it specifically for use with this game.

Gameplay details

First, this is a very LBGTQ+ inclusive game. There will be characters on the crew & the NPC lore history that are LBGTQ+. So please keep that in mind before you join. Most sessions will be a mixture of intrigue, role playing & combat depending on where the current plot line is going. This being pathfinder, expect that combats will be intense, & crunchy. Also I would like to note, that while I am 15 year veteran GM, pathfinder is a game I've not run as much as others. My focus is on the narrative & keeping the story flowing, so if your looking for a game with a highly experienced pathfinder GM, this likely isnt the one for you. If your ok with the occasional checking of a rule & enjoy story before rules, then this is a better fit. I use high detail maps on foundry for all my encounters, as well as ambient music & a heavy emphasis on role play. Content Warning : Standard D&D shenanigans, killing monsters & stealing treasure. Some bawdy wenching while in port, as well as tons of rum & alcohol. Sexual content will always fade to black if it occurs, & will never occur between player characters unless all involved players consent. Lines & veils will also be honored & set up ahead of the chronicle via discord chat, so that I can fine tune any plot content to avoid things players may not want to face in game. Additionally, I am always online via my discord both during & outside of game should you need to bring something to my attention, whether thats a veil thats being approached too close or something makes you uncomfortable. Lastly, I implement a red/yellow/green warning system in foundry, that allows for players to call a halt or warning during game as a final safety rule.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Character generation will occur during a zero session with everyone present. This is as much to make sure we all mesh as a group of people as it is to make the characters, backgrounds & get everyones equipment setup. We will also discuss lines & veils for the game(please Private message me ahead of time if your uncomfortable with expressing these in a live chat). Also any special rules the game will include. Afterwards communication & further background info will be conducted with everyone via a discord channel on the server I use.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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