Keys from the Golden Vault: Vidorant's Vault!

Keys from the Golden Vault: Vidorant's Vault!

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Over the years, the notorious elf thief Nixylanna Vidorant has stolen many famed prizes and stored them in her vault. Her former partner believes one of these trophies—a ruby diadem—rightly belongs to him. Goldenbeard hires you to infiltrate Vidorant’s vault, bypass its security features, and steal the diadem!


3 years on StartPlaying

800 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Voices

Additional Details

How to prepare

Whether you are inexperienced or a veteran of D&D, all are welcome at my table and full instructions will be provided in terms of making your character! The first steps will include: - Joining the Discord server and posting a message in the general chat to confirm your attendance to the one shot **at least one hour** prior to the game - You will receive the appropriate role once you are identified from Startplaying games! The link to the discord server is here: - Making your character on - This can be done by confirming your attendance and receiving a link to the game on Roll20 where your character sheet will be hosted - If you are more comfortable with using D&D Beyond and the Beyond20 Extension, that is fine also! Make sure to send me a link to your character sheet if applicable and a picture of your character when you join in!

What I provide

I will host the game on Roll20 which the players will be able to access at any point outside of game time. This will enable players to edit their character sheets, level up or review game information for the next session!

Gameplay details

My games are catered to all ages. I like to run a mini-session 0 where I will encourage the players to discuss relevant themes that may be deemed unsuitable for the group's needs e.g. Harsh language, violence and gore, body horror, phobias etc. If these subjects were preferred to be discussed privately, I would instead provide a consent form that would let the player privately submit their preferences on content they would rather not see featured in the game. If that player would rather talk to me directly in private, that would be perfectly fine too. I handle triggers and inappropriate content with confidentiality and respect towards the player's views and beliefs. If, during the game, a player is uncomfortable with the content they are participating in, I encourage that player to let me know in private so that we can stop the session, take a break and discuss the issue privately. How my players feel during my games is my top priority and if one person is not having fun, I will take the steps necessary to ensure they are heard and ensure the subjects they deemed inappropriate are kept strictly off the table. I take a no-tolerance approach to inter-player conflict. Should one or more players become uncomfortable with each other, or myself, I would do my best to resolve the conflict privately and in a healthy manner. Communication is vital during times of player conflict and I do my best to promote this in the game and outside too.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Bleed
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Lines and Veils
  • Luxton Technique
  • Luxton Technique Discussion
  • Open Door
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

In terms of character creation, I will be available to privately message during the week before the game to discuss character options. A link will be provided to the Roll20 game at the earliest possible convenience so that you can put your sheet together. If you are not experienced and need guidance, I will be available before the game so that we can talk through your character, their features and any questions you might have! I will only charge for the sessions themselves and any extracurricular time spent together outside of the game is totally free and easy-going! This oneshot will be played using characters of 6th level and is more designed for players with beginner to intermediate experience. Use these guidelines when creating your character: - You may use Point Buy or Standard Array for your ability scores. (Here's a link to a point buy calculator if you need: - You may take a feat at level 1 (If you choose the Variant Human race, you may take two feats at level 1, one from your race and the additional feat provided). - You are permitted 150 gold pieces extra to buy adventuring gear from the Player's Handbook. If you are unsure of where to find a list of gear, I can provide you with one on Discord! - You are allowed to start with two uncommon magic items - Here is a list of magic items you are allowed to choose from: **Note - Keep in mind that magic items that are unspecified, such as armour and weapons, must be affordable as per the money you have to spend on adventuring gear (If you choose a +1 Armour, you must be able to afford the armour you are choosing - you can trade starting equipment to add up the cost if you wish i.e. if your character starts with chainmail and you have 200gp to start with, you can buy splint mail instead, start with +1 Splint mail since you can afford it and have 75gp left over!) **Second note - Some items are disallowed such as the Ykwla from Tomb of Annihilation, the Musket from the DMG - These items are not readily available during character creation and are disallowed, despite being listed on websites such as D&D Beyond - Always ask and make sure first! DM has the final say! - Try to avoid content from adventure modules like Spelljammer, Strixhaven, Dragonlance, Tomb of Annihilation etc. (Mostly aimed towards backgrounds and custom lineage that give extra feats!)

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: High
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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