🚀 Keepers of the Light - A Starlight Brigade Story 🛸

🚀 Keepers of the Light - A Starlight Brigade Story 🛸

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

🛡Dungeons & Dragons 5e 🎨Co-operative Designing 🤖Engaging Combat Encounters 🌏Dynamic Worldbuilding and NPCs (Homebrew) About the Game: Inspired by the music video: ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9Q3i5w6-Ug ) The intent of this game is to keep the fantasy aesthetics, but travel around the cosmos in order to figure out why you were chosen, and what it is you were chosen to do! I hope that, with the players at the table, we are able to create a powerful story that may or may not be an emotional one, that isn't a choice I can make, that's for the players. Together, I want to create memories with a table full of passionate players. About the Setting: 🚀The setting will change wildly depending on choices of the party and the direction their ambition takes the game. Generally speaking, this will be a perfect blend of both sci-fi and fantasy genres. I hope to have a vastly adventurous game travelling to distant worlds to save them from intergalactic threats. Our adventurers, who have always wished for something more than what their lives have been thus far, come into contact with an otherworldly technology and are thrust from their homeworlds into the arms of an intergalactic defense force fighting against the void of space itself! Before they can fully join, the party is sent out on minor missions to gain much needed experience and an understanding of the universe as a whole.

DMs Guild Writer
Published Writer
Game Designer

1 year on StartPlaying

7 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, World Builder, Knows the Rules

Additional Details

How to prepare

- Discord [REQUIRED] (It's free) - Desktop or Laptop [REQUIRED] - Microphones [REQUIRED for gameplay] - Headphones [REQUIRED for gameplay] - Webcams OPTIONAL but HIGHLY encouraged - Rolling will be done on Roll20 - Character Sheets will be maintained on Roll20

What I provide

-10 Years of TTRPG experience -Homebrew Content (Classes, Mechanics, Setting etc.) -I always attempt to find maps and art to bring to the table. -Full combat encounters filled with Battlemaps and Tokens for immersive play

Gameplay details

~About Me~ Hey, glad you stumbled on my profile! Name’s Jerrod, I’m a Canadian expat traveling the world and spreading the word of TTRPGs wherever I go. Like most people my age and in the hobby today, I played when I was in high school and just stopped playing as adulting took over. My first character was a Usagi Yojimbo style character in Palladium’s TTRPG system when I was 7. I though the ‘game’ was to build characters. How naïve I was. Over the past 9 or so years I have been diving deeper and deeper into the hobby, even releasing my own content on DMs Guild from time to time. The point of DMing to me is to forge connections at the table. I want all my players to get what I get out of the hobby, a sense of wholeness! I’m a writer and bring all of my narrative magic to the table. I weave anything my player’s give me into the narrative of the table and my setting as a whole! I have had player’s in the past play in a campaign and now their characters live on as NPCs in my world. ~Style~ Roleplay: In-Character conversations, Character descriptions, Backstories, Cultures etc. Combat Style: First, I am on the side of my players, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to go easy. Combat will constantly ride that razor’s edge between heroic and humbling. I do not hide rolls. Never feel like you can’t ask for tactical help though, I am always willing to offer suggestions or advice without metagaming. World Immersion: As I step into a fantasy sci-fi game, and a much larger sandbox than I currently play in, I want to build as much of it with my players as possible. Your characters will be directly connected to the plot and setting. Balance of Rule of Cool and RAW: Without the RAW we can’t have Rule of Cool. Rule of cool only really works when we have a scope of the standard. I maintain that standard while always listening to a player’s instincts and requests. Homebrew Materials: All published works are allowed at my table. I try to avoid UA and outside homebrew as I include a lot of my own stuff in my games, but everything is always up for discussion. I just maintain veto power. On top of this, I am going to be bringing in a whole bunch of customized mechanics for the setting we are going to be playing in. They will be balanced, and players will always have the ability to voice concern if it ever feels like they aren't. Adult Content: These games include the same things you’d find in a rated-R movie, but I do use a fade to black rule and will not allow things that cross any player’s comfort zones. Want to be relaxing, fun, and engaging for everyone.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Lines and Veils
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
How will character creation work

We will be using a homebrew setting. As part of session 0, I want to workshop with everyone together, creating concepts for a harmonious storytelling experience. While not every character concept has to be all smiles, I ask that you avoid the following: -Dead Parents (This trope is stale, take a chance, you deserve happiness) -Overly Brooding or Edgelordy character concepts (We know the trope. Make a friend, ya?) -Racist Characters (Ignorance is one thing, bigotry isn't allowed) -This is the start of your journey, please avoid "Main-Character Syndrome" Instead, lets focus on some good character building and roleplay aspects to explore: -What does your character LOVE? What Interests them? -What do you want your character to Excel in? -Are they BAD at anything? -How does your character want to be seen by others? -What kind of goals does your character have?

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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