Iron and Shackles: Tales of an Empire

Iron and Shackles: Tales of an Empire

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Roll20, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

The Empire of Dundoria has gripped the land of Nordia for centuries but recently the Empire has changed its laws, and all magic and religious practice has been banned. Under these harsh laws, commoners struggle, and any magical humanoids live in fear of discovery. Some have fled the Empire's continually growing borders while others find a sense of peace living in the shadows, but some dream for more and push back. In this harsh dystopia, the party has been set on the path of removing the tyranny of the Empire and establishing a system that embraces the diversity of Nordia and celebrates the unique gifts of all peoples. This task would be seen as impossible if not for the guidance of artifacts of great power that allow the party to move with strength beyond their natural grasp. Do you have the strength to be the arbiter of change, or will you watch the world fall into shadow?


2 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Storytelling, World Builder, Visual Aid

Additional Details

How to prepare

Games will be run on Roll20 for visuals and rolling, discord will be used for voice; players should have both accounts (free!) and a basic understanding of how both operate. A webcam is not necessary at all but a decent mic and clean audio environment should be set up for the comfort of the other players. Character creation will be done with the DM and a basic understanding of the rules will go a long way in this process.

What I provide

I bring an exceptional level of attention and detail to the assets on the VTT; including professionally made battle maps and tokens, music, and detailed maps/handouts. API scripts and dynamic lighting provide a more interactive and accessible experience on Roll20.

Gameplay details

In Iron and Shackles, the players will be set in a dystopian world where a tyrannical human empire has enforced a racial-based caste system; the bottom of which includes death and slavery. These same laws persecute magic and religious practice, creating a dark and oppressive setting. As a DM these are only story and setting tools and are not reflective of my views in any way but players should be prepared to interact and deal with these issues in-game; preferably in a positive and inclusive way. All sexual content will be fade-to-black and consent will always be required; both for PCs and NPCs.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Open Door
How will character creation work

Race and Class: The Human Empire has organized the races that populate Nordia into a caste system; this corrupt social structure leaves many races in poverty and in slavery with many more hunted to near extinction. Players should consider how their character will be treated in this setting; most official races and classes will be available to play but will be treated differently in-game. Characters are completely allowed to pursue all classes with the knowledge of increased difficulty and these players should play wisely or at the very least have a plan to hide their race or magical abilities. Stats: Using the 27 point-buy (PB) method, you also start at level 1 with a +2 ASI or a feat (variant human must select the +2 ASI). You may dump one stat from 8 to 6 and add those points to another stat obeying the Point Buy calculator rule, however, Players must provide a backstory reason for this dump (ie. burned heavily as a child for Str dump). You can choose to use the racial custom stats for any race as introduced in Tasha’s Starting Equipment: Players can choose starting equipment or Roll for Gold and purchase what they want from the PHB. Banned content: Classes: no Warlock multi-classing, no Mystics, no UA and HB Banned Spells: Silvery Barbs Banned Races: Vedalken, Genasi, Fairy, Triton; any UA or HB (Yuan-Ti, Warforged, Kobold, and Dragonborn need specific DM permission for lore reasons) Feats: Some feats and fighting styles have been balanced and added -Characters may not take an evil alignment unless specifically approved by the DM -In light of past situations where players have played the opposite gender specifically to gain perceived benefits in seduction or overtly sexualizing their characters in an uncomfortable and disrespectful way, characters should be made to the gender you identify with. Any questions concerning this suggestion can be discussed with the DM.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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