Beginners intro to D&D 5e - Dragon of Icespire Peak

Beginners intro to D&D 5e - Dragon of Icespire Peak

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, D&D Beyond, Owlbear Rodeo, Theater of the Mind, Physical Battlemap

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Welcome to Dungeons and Dragons! The world of the Forgotten Realms is one of high fantasy, populated by elves, dwarves, halflings, humans, and other folk. In the Realms, knights dare the crypts of the fallen dwarf kings of Delzoun, seeking glory and treasure. Rogues prowl the dark alleyways of teeming cities such as Neverwinter and Baldur’s Gate. Clerics in the service of gods wield mace and spell, questing against the terrifying powers that threaten the land. Wizards plunder the ruins of the fallen Netherese empire, delving into secrets too dark for the light of day. Bards sing of kings, queens, heroes, and tyrants who died long ago. On the roads and rivers of the Realms travel minstrels and peddlers, merchants and guards, soldiers and sailors. Steel-hearted adventurers from backcountry farmsteads and sleepy villages follow tales of strange, glorious, faraway places. Good maps and clear trails can take even an inexperienced youth with dreams of glory far across the world, but these paths are never safe. Fell magic and deadly monsters are the perils one faces when traveling in the Realms. Even farms and freeholds within a day’s walk of a city can fall prey to monsters, and no place is safe from the sudden wrath of a dragon. One such place is the frontier town of Phandalin, which is built on the ruins of a much older settlement. Hundreds of years ago, the old Phandalin was a thriving human town whose people were firmly allied with neighboring dwarves and gnomes. Then an orc horde swept through the area and laid waste to the settlement, and Phandalin was abandoned for centuries. In the last three or four years, settlers from the cities of Neverwinter and Waterdeep have begun the hard work of reclaiming the ruins of Phandalin. The new settlement is home now to farmers, woodcutters, fur traders, and prospectors drawn by stories of gold and platinum in the foothills of the Sword Mountains. The arrival of a white dragon threatens to destroy all that they’ve worked to rebuild. This adventure, Dragon of Icespire Peak, is included in the D&D Essentials Kit. This is an excellent way to learn how to play your first character. Meant for beginning players & level 1 adventurers, this is the ideal way to learn the ropes of 5e D&D.


3 years on StartPlaying

229 games hosted

Highly rated for: Inclusive, Rule of Cool, Storytelling

Additional Details

How to prepare

Webcam and mic are both necessary. Familiarity with the rules is not required. Sessions will be hosted on Discord. Bring your dice, some snacks, and send me a copy of your character sheet. I make use of physical rulebooks, dice, battle-mat, and miniatures. Feel free to use digital options at your own preference.

What I provide

I grew up playing D&D with minimal means and I still enjoy the nostalgia this provides. I make use of a physical battle-mat, hand painted 3-D printed miniatures, and the occasional silly voice to emulate the experience that you would typically find if you were seated together around a table. I sometimes make use of props, and I will often need to share documents & images with you online.

Gameplay details

6 Rules: 1.We are here to have fun. 2.We all come from different backgrounds, enjoy the game for different reasons, and have different takeaways from roleplay experiences. 3.We will agree to enter into a safe space of escapism, and respect each other’s privacy and preferences. 4.Respect one another, the DM, and the sanctity of the game. 5.If there is a real world or roleplay problem affecting gameplay, bring it to the DM in private to work on a resolution. 6.Since we are playing virtually we will be using the honor system for dice rolls, if you cheat you are also cheating yourself and your fellow players (including the DM). Hard/Soft Limits & Nopes: If you have any phobias, triggers, or topics you wish to avoid in roleplay please let me know and I will add it to a list for your group and let everyone know it has been updated. Your submissions will be entirely anonymous and will stay between you and I. This list may grow as we get to know each other and as we develop as human beings. If in doubt, refer back to the 6 Rules. Violations of these limits could result in you being automatically kicked from the game.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Character creation will be held during Session 0. Feel free to use whatever method you are most comfortable with to create your character. DnDBeyond is a great tool, and I more than encourage that for newcomers to the game as it will walk you through the character creation process. I prefer to roll for stats, 4d6 drop the lowest, over the over point buy method. You will be sent some "prep material" pending approval of your application. We will work together to create 1st level characters following 5e Dungeons and Dragons character creation rules. I will be available on Discord throughout the process to assist you with any guidance or questions about the process. There are no hard character creation limits however setting specific options might need adjustment for use in this setting. All published 5e WotC content is acceptable.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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