Incident City! An Entire Country of Superpowered Weirdoes!

Incident City! An Entire Country of Superpowered Weirdoes!

Basic Roleplaying on Discord, Role

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

A game for anyone who wants a mostly light hearted superhero sandbox! The game takes place 7 years after "The Incident." A massive phenomenon in which the entire population of Ausmerica were granted super powers! Some useless, some very impressive, but everyone has one! Ever since, the country's heroic activity has been overseen by "Gods House," a organization that was created by a mysterious and very powerful man. He and the worlds strongest heroes keep the peace, along with the 10,000 registered supers who work for the house. You will play....whoever you want! The game is an open sandbox. You want to rise through the hero ranks? Go for it! You want to be a moustache twirling villain who steals all of the towns street lights? Go ahead you craven lunatic. Or maybe you just want to be an average joe trying to live their life among the madness of a town overrun by supers. Up to you! i look forward to hearing from you! - Mickey (Lerpul) Miller

2 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

The games will all be played over text or speech over Discord. Thats the only program you need! We may also use a dice rolling bot inside Discord as well. As for preparation, before the first, and between the sessions, i ask that you think about what your character wants to do/accomplish before the next game rolls around. I will of course be handling the characters, settings, quests, etc when you get to where you're going, but i need to know what your character wants before i can do that!

What I provide

I will bring maps when needed but it will all mostly be "theater of the mind." There's a good chance i will draw any PCs, and any NPCs of particular note. But fair warning i am NOT a professional artist. (The game ad picture is some of my "finest" work. For example)

Gameplay details

Since the game is very open, the content will vary wildly depending on what the player or group decides to do. If you choose to play a paragon of goodness with the powers of a flying brick, then typically their will be a lot of fighting versus robot drones or light hearted situations in general. Villains will only occasional be serious with harsher themes. If you want to play a major villain though, those things will change. Crimes of most kinds will be on the table as villains are want to do. That being said, characters are a big part of all my games. There's going to be a lot of interaction with NPCs and a focus on the PCs as characters. So keep that in mind! [Content Warning]: Swearing (depending on characters), Roughly PG13 violence during combat, and Infrequent (If any) death. All content will of curse be scaled to the kind of game we are playing. If you are playing a middle schooler in the Super Scouts, there will very likely be no death and little to no violence and swearing. If you are playing a villain, expect those things in spades. [Safety Tools]: There will be a session zero to discuss what you or the group want from the game in particular! We can discuss any topics that are off the table, or are uncomfortable there. If topic comes up that we didnt discuss before, then please feel free to tell me and i will tone it down, ask the others players to tone it down, or nix it from the game entirely. I want everyone to have a good time!

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Either the game will be entirely freeform, or i will provide a VERY basic homebrew D6 system. We will meet before the first game and discuss what kind of character you want to play, what level of power they are at, and what sort of feats they should be able to perform.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Low
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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