Illuminate the Way

Illuminate the Way

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Solarpunk/post-grimdark game of survival. Traverse the forgotten landscape of the scarred realm. Find a place to call home. This is a game for players of all experience who seek to break away from typical DnD and see what RPGs really have to offer. A desperate journey across a scarred landscape. A caravan seeking refuge, left with nothing and no path to follow, only the will to survive guides their way. This is a low magic setting of extreme danger and high adventure. There is no resurrection. All the gods are dead. Practicing the Arcane is a foolishly volatile endeavor met with suspicion if not scorn. This game is for fans of Watership Down, the Walking Dead, heavy music, Shadow of the Colossus, Banner Saga, and players looking for new challenges in DnD.

3 years on StartPlaying

42 games hosted

Additional Details

How to prepare

Come to the game with an open mind. Every DM does things a little different, and this game will be unique in its approach. This is an open game, I expect players to be respectful of each other. Make sure you have a microphone, headphones, a roll20 account, and discord. If you are using DnDBeyond, make sure you have the roll20 plug in. Read the primer and dream up a character that is appropriate for the setting. If you have the time, indulge in the music, art, and movies that have been influences in the creation of this game.

What I provide

This adventure has been prepared in Roll20 with its expertly crafted maps and features. I have access to most books in Roll20 for character creation. My compendium is open for all players. We will use my Discord for Voice, text, and video (if wanted). Every week, I will also draw one illustration of an exciting event that has taken place within the game. Also! I will be awarding monthly prizes in the form of art, audio books, and rulebook pdfs.

Gameplay details

-My goal is to play through one week of travel every session. If we don’t make it through the in-game week during the session, players can take downtime actions in the RP chat. -There will be plenty of downtime during caravan travel. Use the days off to craft items, develop relationships, draw maps, or whatever else you can come up with! -Players may message me directly to take downtime actions in secret. Please limit secret downtime actions to once per week (between sessions) -This game will contain violence and themes of survival. Survival can be harsh. Use of safety tools will be discussed in session 0. -Exploration, role-playing, and ingenuity will be the key to success. There is plenty of combat to be had, but understand that you'll most likely be fighting to survive and escape rather than fighting to loot and to gain xp.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Debriefing
  • Lines and Veils
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

When enough player spots are filled, we will schedule a session 0 and build characters together. We will also do a crash course in Roll20 and Discord for people new to those apps. Dungeons and Dragons 5e. -1st Level characters. -Point Buy for Stats. Take average HP for levels beyond 1st. -PHB Races preferred -PHB Base Classes and Artificer are allowed (No glunslinger. No bloodhunter) -Approval required for races outside of the player's handbook No Unearthed Arcana. Backstory is important but anything more than a paragraph is too much. The more you write down about your character beforehand, the less you discover about them in the game. So lets play to find out! and discover who your character is and what they are meant to become! Characters can be made in Roll20, a googledoc, on a napkin, pretty much whatever, just send it to me somehow so I can check it out.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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