ICONS Superheroic Roleplaying - Rise of the Phalanx FREE Session Zero!

ICONS Superheroic Roleplaying - Rise of the Phalanx FREE Session Zero!

ICONS Superpowered Roleplaying on Discord, Roll20, Theater of the Mind

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

This is a character creation option for players wanting to join the "Rise of the Phalanx" campaign. Pre-made superhero characters will, of course, be made available. But if you're looking to roll up your own amazing titan of justice, this is the time for you to do so. :) Rise Of The Phalanx is a series of five adventures assembled into an epic superhero campaign. Your heroes start out the series as a newly formed team of heroes thrust into major events happening in the world. They become the premier heroes of Victory City, inheriting the mantle of the Phalanx. The adventures draw inspiration from the tropes of superhero comic books and it does an amazing job of really feeling like a superhero story, rather than a generic story with superpowered characters. My games tend to run heavy on the role-play as it is, but with this system (and the superhero genre in general) it's extra emphasized. No adversarial GMing, no "dungeon survival" mentality; It's hard-core group storytelling, building the most exciting story with the highest personal stakes, lots of improv, and letting the dice decide where it goes in the end.

2 years on StartPlaying

9 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Sets the Mood

Additional Details

How to prepare

Webcam and Mic are required and headphones are recommended, as I do use music and SFX. Dice will be virtual. For those of you who have never played, or even looked into ICONS Superpowered Role-Playing game, I would best describe it as: Mutants & Masterminds and FATE fell in love and had a baby.

What I provide

The GM will bring digital copies of the system books we'll be using, as well as custom comic book art for the characters and the campaign! The GM will also bring knowledge of the system rules, a lifetime of encyclopedic comic book knowledge, as well as pizazz, moxy and a certain je ne sais quoi. Players should bring their imagination, a proactive approach, and a love of the genre. :)

Gameplay details

This game is not expected to have any extreme subject matter, other than the ongoing issue of "humans in peril". We can and will discuss lines and veils at this session zero, and of course, we have access to the Roll20 Safety Deck.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Lines and Veils
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

This is session zero for the upcoming campaign. Pre-gen characters are available to view in the "Prep Material" once you sign up. If you're dead set on making your own character, this is the event for you.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Low
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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