Hunter's Moon

Hunter's Moon

Pathfinder 1e on Roll20, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Intermediate

Price per player-session


About the adventure

Are you seeking a power-rolled grimdark fantasy experience? This game will challenge players with fearsome beasts, treacherous dungeons, and a harsh, unforgiving wilderness. Should they survive, your characters will quickly ascend and be rewarded with enough gold to pursue the most broken builds you can think of. As your power grows, so will the dark forces threatening the land. The hordes will swell, and more terrifying monsters will emerge. Set in the embattled northern realm of Skolsgrad, "Hunter's Moon" offers a bleak environment featuring famine, disease, and violence. Speaking with the locals will reveal a palpable sense of despair, coloring every interaction a lovely shade of black. The tone of this campaign will be mostly dark, however, all games need at least some levity. I will mix in occasional humor in order to craft a well-balanced experience. You are encouraged to do the same. The gameplay will have a strong focus on dungeon crawling, including exploration, puzzles, traps, and boss-fight-style combat with environment-based mechanics. The encounters are typically high-risk/high-reward. Be wary: character death is most certainly on the table, but so is resurrection (if you have the gold). Outside of dungeons, there will be roleplay opportunities and dynamic a world with events occurring while the players are away on adventures. Additionally, as you travel across the wilderness, survival mechanics will implemented. This includes weather, hunger, and natural obstacles. The story premise is that you are all adventurers who have come to Skollsgrad either to aid the people in their struggle or to collect on the generous bounties offered to monster hunters. Your travels bring you to the edge of a great forest on the realm's southern border.. Finally, here are some character creation guidelines: 1. Core race and class allowed. Anything outside of that needs approval. 2. Ability scores are point-buy 25 points. 3. Level 3 start 4. No evil alignment- being selfish or immoral is fine but no outright evil characters.


2 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Teacher

Additional Details

How to prepare

The game will be played using Roll20, so players should have an account and their character set up in the game before session 1. We will be doing mics only via Discord. No cameras because they clutter the R20 map, but voice is required. Please make sure that you are in a relatively quiet location during play so that there are limited distractions from outside noises.

What I provide

I bring fully original dungeon maps to the game and enhance the players' experience by adding visual elements such as artwork and written notes. These will help the players to better visualize the various locales, objects, and characters they encounter.

Gameplay details

I have included various possible triggers in my content warning section because my style as a GM is both zany and dark. As a general rule, if the subject has not been prohibited in our pregame "Lines and Veils," it is possible it could occur. That being said, I do have a few safety tools that I will implement. 1. Lines and Veils. Before our first session, I will give each player the opportunity to message me privately with a list of their "Lines" which are hard-no topics and will not come up in gameplay, and "Veils" which are topics that can be alluded to but not expanded upon in depth. Once I have everyone's lines and veils, I will create a Google document to share with the group. The document will show which topics are banned and which are restricted, the document will NOT say who wanted which subject limited. 2. Color Card System. Similarly, I will use a "Green/Yellow/Red Card" system to account for any upsetting topics that were not specified in the initial Lines and Veils. At any time a player may use their "yellow or red cards" to communicate that they are uncomfortable. This can be done by either chatting directly with the group or messaging me privately in a different thread. Using a yellow card means that the current situation in the game is approaching being uncomfortable. A red card is used once the game has already become uncomfortable and you need to remove yourself from the situation. After a red card is used on a given topic, that topic gets added as a "line" in the Lines and Veils document. A green card is only used when I check in about player comfort. Typically this will only happen when something more extreme has happened. Green cards will NOT be asked for at every possible trigger. Instead, I will use my own discretion based on my knowledge of the group. 3. Session 0. Before the adventure begins there will be a "session 0." During this time we review the Lines and Veils, The Color Card system, and any other expectations of the game. This will be followed by character-building and a quick run-through of a simple combat encounter. Players who do not need a tutorial or assistance with character building do not need to stay for the second half, but everyone must attend the first half where rules are reviewed. 4. Breaks. Up to the group if you want to include breaks during the session. Whether or not to use breaks will be decided during session 0. If the group decides to incorporate breaks, I will plan for two, 15-minute breaks. However, these breaks will not extend the total session time beyond 4 hours. Related: The target session length is between 3 and 4 hours. At the 3-hour mark, I will begin looking for an appropriate place to stop. We hard stop at 4 hours. 5. Open Door Policy. Players may come and go from the game as necessary, however, be aware that the story will progress in your absence. Absent players' characters will be "Botted" either by myself or a predesignated teammate. For continuity's sake, players will be separated from the party if the absence is expected to be more than 2 consecutive weeks. This separation will be done when there is a logical and story-appropriate opportunity to do so. (i.e. "dropped off in town") Reuniting after a long absence will follow similar guidelines. Please try to give me as much notice as possible if you cannot attend a session.

Content warnings


Safety tools used

  • Breaks

  • Lines and Veils

  • Open Door

  • Session 0

  • X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

1. Core race and class allowed. Anything outside of that needs approval. 2. Ability scores are point-buy 25 points. 3. Level 3 start 4. No evil alignment- being selfish or immoral is fine but no outright evil characters.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium

  • Roleplay: Medium

  • Puzzles: Low

  • Experience Level: Intermediate

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