Horrors at Lake Little Pond

Horrors at Lake Little Pond

Dread on Discord, Theater of the Mind

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

You are currently attending Boston University, and you personally know Candice Mortus: a young, beautiful junior who is currently studying Religion and History.. Midterms are quickly approaching, and before things get too hectic, Candice has invited you to stay at her family's public camp ground, Lake Little Pond, for a long weekend away. You're skeptical at first about going to a campground since the air is getting chillier. But, she assures you that the cabins there have heat, hot tubs, and it's a chance to party and relax with no distractions, or more importantly: no rules! Besides, Candice (*ahem* her dad) is paying for all of it. It's just a long weekend with friends before midterms start... what could possibly go wrong? One shot, modified 2D20 Dread system, Played over Discord (Theater of the Mind style), characters pre-generated, some materials to be read before session. This game is free - please leave a review if you can!


3 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Inclusive

Additional Details

How to prepare

Only microphones are required - please read content that will be sent to you over SPG, including character sheets and rules, before game starts. Aside from these things, just come with your imagination!

What I provide

Once characters have been established and secrets have been distributed, I will be sending occasional pictures and documents over Discord as things are discovered during the game - otherwise, this is a Theater of the Mind game; imaginations are key!

Gameplay details

GamePlay: This is a Horror Supernatural setting with melodramatic elements, split into two parts: Part 1 will be getting to know the other characters, exploring the campground, and uncovering the tragic past this camp was founded on. Part 2 will be surviving the night from whatever horrors exist in Lake Little Pond: Are you hunting the monster, or is it hunting you? Game Play will mostly be Theater of the Mind over Discord, with supplemental documents, images, and related content provided in Discord Chat or over Google Drive Folder as we play. Dread as a Game System: Traditionally, Dread is played in person, using a stacked tile board (Jenga, for example) and instead of rolling dice to see if you succeed a skill check, you pull a tile - if you succeed, you survive. However, if you knock the Jenga tower over, your character permanently dies. Since we are playing virtually, Dread does offer a 2D20 system: The target number starts at low (7, for example) and if you roll above that number, you succeed your skill check. However, the number increases for all party members with each new skill check. (So, for the next skill check, the target number is 7. Then 8, and so on.) If you roll your dice, and don't meet the target number, that is a strike for the entire table. The next person to miss the target number permanently dies. I will be providing pre-generated character sheets that will include stats, backstory, and secrets. We will also be playing with slightly modified rules that will enhance virtual play - more will be explained in person before the session begins. Trigger Warnings: Game contents include descriptions of violence and crime scenes, sexual assault, death, graphic language, potential drug and alcohol abuse, themes related to sexual questioning and identity, historical-fiction encounters of Native American genocide, and potentially anxiety-inducing scenarios. Discussions of lines/veils will be had before gameplay starts, to know and understand what everyone's boundaries are. Discretion is advised, please PM me if you have any questions, concerns, or would like to discuss accommodations. Pre, post, and during game check-ins: DM will do a brief check-in with each player right before start of game to ensure any hard limits, and if any of the above needs to be addressed before start of play. "Red/Yellow/Green" color system (similar to X, N, O cards) can be used during the game if at any point a player feels uncomfortable or triggered during game. DM will also make frequent check-ins using this color system (Red = hard stop and discussion, either privately with DM or with entire group. Yellow = Sensitive topics are being discussed, please either briefly describe or skip over if possible. Green = I'm okay! No worries here!) There will also be a natural 10-minute break in the middle of the game, where players can discuss with DM any concerns they are having during gameplay. After the game is over, DM will help with decompression from players as needed, depending on stress levels. It should be noted that DM wants to make this space a safe and fun environment to play, and will not attempt to push anyone's limits intentionally - these checks are here to ensure that doesn't happen.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Breaks
  • Lines and Veils
  • Open Door
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

Characters will be pre-generated, and details on those characters will be sent to players upon booking. Please come to session with your first and second choice for character you would like to play - once we establish who will be playing what characters, you will also be given secrets and goals you will complete for each character!

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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