HORROR GAME | The Night at Vergesson | One Shot | Exandria

HORROR GAME | The Night at Vergesson | One Shot | Exandria

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Will you survive the night? The Story The creaking of rusted iron bars echoes through the night air, joined only in the whistling of the wind as it quietly screams in discontent. Before you, it stands. The Vergesson Sanatorium. A mysterious building that is said to lock away many secrets, now dull, dark and quiet. Only a few hours ago, YOU were contracted to investigate this silence by an equally mysterious benefactor. Now, perhaps, the ominous sight drains a little of that lust for coin. But you have a job to do, and you've heard that your benefactor doesn't take too kindly to failure. As you pass through the moaning gates, an evening of horror and distraught awaits… This One Shot is a game set in the mysterious Vergesson Sanatorium and sees a group of level 5 adventurers explore it's frightful interior. Though using the fantasy setting of Exandria, this game is intended as a horror experience. As such, be sure to check the content warnings for material that may unsettle. What to Expect As with all TTRPGs, your decisions will impact the world around you. In the case of this adventure, each decision, no matter how small, may end up playing a part in the outcome and survivability of your characters. As a Horror experience, you can expect high tension, anticipation and time sensitive decision making. You will be put on the spot, you will be encouraged to lean into the tension and you will be faced with potentially dark decisions. Because of the nature of this content, it is important to note that players are able to step away at any moment, and safety tools will be highlighted even more so. This adventure is set inside a Sanatorium, which means there is going to be refence to elements regarding mental health and imprisonment. As a Neurodivergent person, I approach these scenarios with both caution and sensitivity. Other themes that may occur may be; body horror, mind control/possession, death, kidnapping, gore and paranormal. Please check the content warning section for a greater list. I urge you to consider the previous before joining the game. Real world stress and fear is not the intent, horror games should be thrilling and not something that impacts you negatively. As a DM I believe in RAI (Rules as Intended) over RAW (Rules as Written). I much prefer to create a fun and experimental atmosphere, whilst keeping the game fair for everyone. You can also expect the game to be LGBTQ+ Friendly (both the group AND in-game world), with zero tolerance for bigotry, racism, homophobia, sexism, etc. About Me My names is Euan and I am a Professional Dungeon Master, with 6 years of DMing experience. I have a Master of Arts Degree in Drama, as well as a backlog of theatrical experience. I run high Roleplay games using my training to bring to life fully-voiced NPCs in an immersive world that is driven by the actions of my players. I run several games a week and therefore I'm very experienced in running professional games.

Voice Actor

2 years on StartPlaying

447 games hosted

Highly rated for: Voices, Storytelling, Creativity

Average response time: 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

Additional Details

How to prepare

A mic to talk is nessecery, and a webcam is recommended, but not required. I will be using a piece of software called Syrinscape to play music and sounds, players wishing to listen will have to download the Syrinscape player (information about this will be posted in the Discord before the game).

What I provide

You can expect me to bring my compendium of sourcebooks, custom maps and writing. As well as the sounds and music via Syrinscape. I also bring with me weighted experience running games professionally.

Gameplay details

Leading up to the game, a Lines & Veils document link will be sent out to be filled in. There are certain topics that will NOT be used regardless of the outcome (my personal Lines). Session 0 will usually be a short one on one chat between us to go over the details of the game, and are available up to 24 hours before the game starts. During the process of the game, Players are free to step away from the computer without a need to explain. We will be using X, N and O cards ( X - Discomfort with current content, N - Content is heading towards a place with discomfort, O - A check in with the group) to ensure that that the game remains fun and thrilling, not traumatising. Post game, we will check in to see how eveyone is feeling and provide an envorment of discussion about the contents and takeaways with room to feedback to me abotu your experiences.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Lines and Veils
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

Characters will begin at level 5. There are two options; pre-made character or custom character. A pre-made character will be supplied for you on Roll20 with all the important information filled out. It just waits your personal touch and flavour. A Custom Character is one you create yourself from scratch. This can be made on the Roll20 OR D&DBeyond (the latter requiring the Beyond20 browser extension to roll). There is also an option to import a character into the game if it's pre-made elsewhere on Roll20. Characters created this way MUST use the offical released material.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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