HOLIDAY ONE-SHOT - You're a Mean One

HOLIDAY ONE-SHOT - You're a Mean One

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Zoom, Google Hangouts

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

The Gnomish village of Theyville has hired you as guards for their very extravagant Winter Festival so the town guards can join the party and be with their families. The gnomes tend to really let their hair down so they need some people to be wary against the revelries and hijinks. And something more lurks on the mountainside... Theyville should seem very familiar as this exclusively winter holiday one- shot adventure is a parody of quite poplar Christmas tale. That being said this takes place during a Winter Festival that is strictly non-denominational so people of any faith should not feel uncomfortable joining. Also this game 18+ but only for the reason that gnomes like to part and there are many references to alcohol in game. Also I will definitely be donning a holiday sweater and making coco for myself every single time I run this because I love myself and also because it really adds to the game so I encourage the players to as well! So come join me in this sleepy alpine town where the people are goofy and the gnomes like to party until dawn.

Voice Actor

3 years on StartPlaying

53 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Voices, Storytelling

Additional Details

How to prepare

I can work with players of all experience levels so feel free to let me be your first. That being said bringing a premade character is preferred so we can start the session on time. but if that's not possible I would love to help make characters. (I'm not just saying this to be nice, I would love to help you.) Also since this game is fully virtual player will need a computer or phone that can video call.

What I provide

Since this is a fully virtual I will not be providing anything physical as well as all my games are theater of the mind so we will not need any maps. I do however reserve the right to send players private messages if they pick up certain details or items I think they might want to keep secret.

Gameplay details

An average session starts off with everyone introducing their characters. You all meet outside the guard house and introduce your characters and are given free range. Who will you keep an eye on and how will you prepare for the revelry?

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

I would prefer if players brought with them a 5th level character of any class. I am pretty lenient on UA but would like to know beforehand if you plan on using any so I can decide if it needs to be tweaked a little for my setting. Also because I am a kind and generous GM I let all my players choose one uncommon and one rare item from the DMG that their character has gotten on their way to level 5.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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