Griffon Cops - A heist in the city of Waterdeep

Griffon Cops - A heist in the city of Waterdeep

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

The famous explorer Volothamp Geddarm is in need of a team to find his missing friend. Why not tell the guards about this? He did, but they haven't been trying real hard! Set out with a group of intrepid first timer adventurers to discover his whereabouts (he can't afford the best, so you'll do!). He has asked you to meet him at the Yawning Portal, a unique and bustling tavern known far and wide, to go over the details and to meet the rest of the team. Once there, you meet with Volo and discover that things may not be as simple as they seem...danger abounds and in a city as big as Waterdeep, there is no short supply of wild experiences. Sewers, mountain caves, city alleys, bustling markets, and more will be yours to explore. Will you stay clean and proper, perhaps earning high ranks in one of the regions more upright organizations, or will you delve into the darker side of the city and try skirting the law? Either way, just remember one thing - Griffon cops. Could be cool to be one, could be cool to fight one. Roll for initiative! This game is a starter campaign based in the city of Waterdeep, one of the greatest cities in Dungeons and Dragons world! Explore the city and it's surrounding areas in a variety of adventures and misadventures, meeting a bunch of interesting people along the way. In this adventure we will: -Begin at level 1. -Play through the entire plot line of Dragon Heist. We will use simple milestone advancement, so no need to worry about experience. -Play a fairly middle of the road fantasy setting. A little bit of everything.

2 years on StartPlaying

1 game hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Knows the Rules

Additional Details

How to prepare

Please have a mic/webcam and decent internet. I can work with new players on rules as we go, but try to familiarize yourself with the basics. Please have a roll20 account so we can jump in game.

What I provide

I will bring a Roll20 premium account with maps designed for each encounter, often including lighting effects and music. Each character will have their own figure for the map. Players can upload their character images or describe them as best they can once in game on their character sheets. I will provide: -A regular well planned game of Dungeons and Dragons, in an inclusive environment. -Roll20 premium account with detailed maps, lighting, music and more. -out of game perks such as 3d printed figure of your race/class or discounted sessions for regular players (Figure after full adventure arc completion. Every 5 games will get you a half off session.)

Gameplay details

Expectations: -Everyone should be respectful and considerate of one another. The other players are also paying for the experience. This extends to monologues. Try to consider the amount of time you are spending talking/acting so everyone gets a decent turn. -Let me know if you will be late or missing a game. -Have a decent internet connection, camera and source material to enable you to play the game (Players handbook). -If you have an issue, please speak to me on the side or out of game. I'll do my best to resolve it. -Play an adult game with adult language. Nothing excessive, but this is 18+. If that is a problem, we can discuss it as a group. The quest itself does not contain lewd or offensive content, but players have some freedom here with their character's actions, so long as it nothing obscene or overly detailed. Please expect that other players may have different boundaries, and plan on respecting those boundaries. Gameplay: Good roleplay is always appreciated, but not expected. This story arc includes a decent amount of combat, puzzles and roleplaying, with several options available to players, within reason. Safety Tools in use: X, N, and O Cards X, N, and O cards are check-in tools. They can be used by typing the letter in the chat or if you'd like you can make an actual card and hold it up. The X card can be used at any point if a participant is uncomfortable with the content happening in-game. When the X card is used by tapping the card or typing an “X” in the chat, the group can change, rewind, or skip the content. The N card can be used at any point if a participant feels like they are headed towards an X. When the N card is used by tapping the card or typing an “N” in the chat, the group can change the content or have the scene “fade to black.” The O card can be used at any point if a participant wants to continue with the content. When the O card is used by tapping the card or typing an “O” in the chat, the group is ok to continue with the content. They can also regularly be prompted by a “O?” asked out loud or in the chat to check-in if everyone is still ok. Luxton Technique Open Door The Open Door is the assurance that someone can leave or take a break from the game for their own safety and well-being without being judged.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Please have a level 1 character created and ready to go. If you need help or would prefer a pre-made character, please let me know (pre-made characters are great if you are just jumping into the game!).

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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