Gods' Teeth Isles: An EPIC DnD 5th Ed game

Gods' Teeth Isles: An EPIC DnD 5th Ed game

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Roll20, Google Hangouts, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Far into the western oceans lie the Gods’ Teeth Isles; a massive, craggy, volcanic archipelago that forms a semi-circle hundreds of miles wide as if they were the fangs of some gargantuan, primordial god. A thousand years ago, pilgrims seeking a new life in a new land were swept by a massive storm to the isles. Hundreds of years have passed and those voyagers have found themselves divided; large, wealthy City-States vie for control of shipping, politics, money, and magic. Some live on the fringes, on islands called the "Berrshaes" where existence is hard, money tight, and death always looming. Further out are the "Roughlands;" places of wild beasts, hidden temples, forgotten treasure, and mysterious lore. You find yourself adrift in this unforgiving chain of islands where you can rise from obscurty to become the stuff of legend by a combination of prowess, guile, and (of course) luck! FEATURES: * Swashbuckling adventures on the high seas with ship-to-ship combat, rakish captains, treacherous villains, and as much rope to swing from as you need in order to make the sceen "cool." * Emphasis on exploration, discovery, roleplaying, and collaborative problem solving. Combat can, and often does, happen, but it is not the primary focus. Some fights you will win easily, some fights can be 'won' with words, and some fights, you will absolutely have to run away from. * A home-brewed world of my own imaginations where the gods are ill-defined, City-States are known for certain customs or classes, and the balance of power can only be shifted through your actions.


3 years on StartPlaying

305 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Inclusive, Creativity

Additional Details

How to prepare

They will need a working microphone, stable internet connection, a DnDBeyond account (free), access to Discord, and a Roll20 account (free). The majority of combat, and a few puzzles, will be handled in Roll20. DnD Beyond for character creation (I will add you to the campaign), certain die rolls, skill checks, and inventory management.

What I provide

DND Beyond PHB to create characters and mange some feats, Some additional races, feats, items will be homebrewed through DnDBeyond.

Gameplay details

Gameplay will include themes of: * Occasional supernatural horror (possession, hauntings, inescapable curses, and angry primordial forces) * References to intoxicant consumption (ex: grog, ale, beer, wine, etc.) * Rampant world injustice, economic disparity, oppression, and piracy (i.e opportunity for "freelance wealth redistribution in a maritime environment") This game is intended for any level of player who wants to set sail. There are some mature themes that are covered in the adventure or are part of the setting that are meant to act as an impetus for the characters' actions. Applicants can fill out a questionaire which defines their boundaries and establishes a social contract between players and DM. Using the USA's MPAA rating, this game is a PG-13 to soft R Using the European PEGI system, this game ranges from 16+ to 18+

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Character Creation will happen at Session 0 where points will be assigned/bought (sorry, no rolls on this one). Come with an idea of the character you'd like to play and we'll construct it together while getting to know the other players.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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