Free Introduction: Chronicles of Eldarian

Free Introduction: Chronicles of Eldarian

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Skype

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 0.5 to 2 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

*Introduction to Campaign Setting / Character Creation and Development Session* This free introduction will prepare players for the paid (~15$/per session) campaign, short adventure or one-shot, price may vary slightly depending on the session length and amount of players in your campaign. Custom game setting. I am an author and artist currently creating this world. I will create custom maps based on the adventures you go on and specific locations you might travel to. I am happy with any type of story the players would like to go on, and we can discuss it in session 0, from a classic adventure, to a more political, war-style, mystery, or more specific idea, since I will custom tailor each game for the party, with enjoyable opportunities and challenges. This is a low-level, low-magic, and high-roleplay game. The focus will be on the story and the player character quests and how they influence the world, combat will be short and sweet and pose real risks. There is room in this world for you. Magic is rare and expensive, and playing a magic-user will come with some additional rules, such as ritual casting and limited "can-trip" usage. Characters can create any class of character in dnd 5e, (but keep in mind mage usage will be limited to a higher degree than usual,) available races include Human, Elf, these are the most common in the campaign setting, other races would require more world development behind the scene from me :D but I am happy to do that work, the extra races include Halfling, Kitsune, Gnomes, or Fairies (tiny + fae), and Firbolg (classic sort + huge). Typically, I have done these short character introduction adventures as a way to add to character backstories and filter a very well-developed character into a campaign with more players, and these "backstory adventures" would span 1-5 sessions, typically on the shorter side 1-2 sessions, but we could do these intro sessions with additional players, or change them in any way. This free session will deal with getting to know you, general information about the setting, and player preferences, if we have time we will brainstorm character creation and discuss campaign options, and we can discuss session 0 information as you begin to create your character and their backstory in the world.

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

Camera, Space to Play, Microphone, Headphones, Webcam (preferred.)

What I provide

I'll create a character sheet, (likely with some generic or more specific character art,) and custom maps and custom adventures, in-game artifacts like letters, and scenarios, NPCs, quests, and events based on the character/campaign you want to play!

Gameplay details

session 0, lines and veils.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

During the next session after this free introductory session, we can discuss character creation as in-depth as the player would like to and play a short backstory for your character, to help get a sense for the world, your character's past, and begin to develop your character within the setting. If we have time we can go over the basic ideas you have for your character during this free session we certainly can, and I will let you know if there should be any adjustments for this setting, and where they might begin their story, based on what type of character you want to play. Ensure your pre-made backstory is somewhat vague in terms of location, keeps with the low-magic theme, realistic historical, if you are Human you are likely from the medieval valleys of Farlieong, or the vast Wuxia coastlands beyond the Forgotten Mountains. Magic is more common among Elves, but casting and learning spells typically takes time. If you are a High Elf you are likely from the Northern Unions or the Errigoldian Empire. If you are a Drow Elf, you are likely from the depths of the Southern Errigoldian Empire. If you are a Giant you are likely from the barbarous mountains of Goldania of Yore. If you are a Fairy, or a Wood Elf, you likely live in a massive forest. If you are a Dwarf you likely live in the freezing northern mountains, or the endless tunnels below the earth. If you are a Giant or a Fairy you likely are concerned with a very different world, than Humans or Elves. There is certainly some room for high fantasy options as well, such as Wizards and other spell casters (with some restrictions on spell usage,) Elves, Fairies, Halflings, Gnomes, Dwarves, Giants, and possibly others. Think the Lord of the Rings, Tales of King Arthur and Merlin, or the Legend of Zelda.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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