Fracture - Private Campaign

Fracture - Private Campaign

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Fantasy Grounds, Zoom

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3.5 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Intermediate

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Fracture is a year running campaign set in Sunderland, a frontier region racked with tectonic upheaval. The brave pioneers who travel north to Sunderland seek the riches of rare resources that have been unearthed by these tremors. Navigating the wilds however is no easy task, and adventurers are commonly sought out to provide protection, though they can be hard to find. Meeting at the Dancing Badger Inn located in the heart of Ryevine, our party of adventurers has set out to investigate "wards" on behalf of the eccentric wizard, Olirick the Spry. These wards, unearthed by the Sundering, hold back unknown powers from an ancient time, and as the party learned at a very dire cost, they are best left unopened. With new additions to the party, the adventurers have found their way to Stretton, Sunderland's capitol. There they have made an agreement with Arlon Terradem to rescue his daughter from the Duke's custody. To do so, Arlon has introduced Cynorth Wyod and his entourage to Stretton's high society in the guise of a young noble seeking purpose and wealth. Under this charade, the party endeavors to become close to the deck while maintaining their cover of starting a trading business in rare, native Sunderland herbs. Currently they adventure with young noble, Ivard Padmond, and Arlon's son Niko on a mission for Niko to find a site for a new Terradem family mine. They have thus far been successful in keeping Ivard and Niko hale, while maintaining their cover of looking for herbs along the way.

3 years on StartPlaying

3 games hosted

Additional Details

How to prepare

Players are required to have a computer with a reliable internet connection, a mic, camera, and preferably a headset. They should also secure a quiet area to play in. Before the game players will need to install the free versions of Zoom, Fantasy Grounds Unity, and Syrinscape Online.

What I provide

Badger Lord Games will provide all necessary licensing for players to play with us online.

Gameplay details

We have created a social contract together as a group during our Session 0 for the Fracture campaign. It outlines the themes, gameplay, setting, and suitable conduct for the campaign.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Characters were created during Session 0. New characters are created in the case of character death, and are introduced into the party at the next appropriate story milestone.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Intermediate

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