Exalted: Creation and Destruction

Exalted: Creation and Destruction

Exalted 2nd Edition on Foundry VTT, Theater of the Mind, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3.5 to 7 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Do not believe what the scientists tell you. The natural history we know is a lie, a falsehood sold to us by wicked old men who would make the world a dull gray prison and protect us from the dangers inherent to freedom. They would have you believe our planet to be a lonely starship, hurtling through the void of space, barren of magic and in need of a stern hand upon the rudder. Close your mind to their deception. The time before our time was not a time of senseless natural struggle and reptilian rage, but a time of myth and sorcery. It was a time of legend, when heroes walked Creation and wielded the very power of the gods. It was a time before the world was bent, a time before the magic of Creation lessened, a time before the souls of men became the stunted, withered things they are today. This is the story of that time. THIS IS THE STORY OF THE EXALTED. Our game will draw inspiration, rather than elves dwarves and Tolkien, we will be inspired by ideas and stories from Eastern influences like anime and video games. Every fighting style is actually magical in its own way(even brawling), sorcery is world shaping and, just like Skyrim, only has three FusRoDah levels of Rare/Legendary/World-altering. Why wear armor when your soul armors and arms you with weapons? or you could go get your previous weapons from past incarnations like Link! The very sun gives you magic. FF7 is easily doable in Exalted, as is Aang/Zuko or just about any Miyazaki film. Why be a hero of a forgotten realm?... when you can be a hero of an entire continent! We will draw inspiration from Plato's Republic and entomology and (dinosaurs?!) We should break heart and woo nations. Exalted turns a commoner into a 5th level equivalent character and then upgrades you relatively quickly past a D&D humanoid. If you stunt well, you will get back magic even faster, which means we should describe better than "I hit X with weapon Y"(Lowest.Bar.Ever.) and be the hero you always thought you should have been. You were right all along. Reach out and take your best destiny.


3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

MUST HAVES: Discord as an extra option in case communication is blocked otherwise, Browser(Chrome/Firefox) for , 20d10/diceroller. PREFERABLE: Webcam would be preferable so I can see any facial reactions of smiles or confusion, Microphone preferable as many speak faster than they type. WILL PROVIDE: Free Dice roller link, EdsExalted program/keys, links for more information, FoundryVTT for maps, pictures, journal, token DO I NEED TO READ THE RULES: You should always read the rules of any game to familiarize yourself with any game you play. Look through info for the games and find art or stories that interest you. Find cool powers and ask "How do I get this..or something similar to this?" CHARACTER GENERATION: Archie will help with character generation. The EdsExaltedProgram is amazing at minmaxing a story-based character for you, even sort of leans you into it by accident. I do not require a printout of your sheet. We are all mature and grown up. If you say you have a statistic or power, I will trust you. I may ask how you got it, but 90% of the time, that is a story curiosity rather than a flat out challenge. I believe my players have more fun with the honor system. I believe players mean well 99% of the time so I tend to overlook cheating the first couple times due to player confusion with rules or technical stuff. If the cheating is just blatant and obvious though...! Exalted has a pretty decent power climb on its own, so cheating really just seems weird. There is a way to send a copy of a character sheet. That might be useful for bookkeeping , clarification or "Look how awesome this is" purposes, but is not intrinsically necessary. I believe in the players.

What I provide

I don't draw well, but I do try to play theme songs when they come up. (Once had a player do 3 Linkin Parks songs, one for each game back in the day). I have spotify, so will try to share that in discord maybe. I might throw a meme into the Discord if the fight is going badly for me/the party/the city/the world/the universe or if the smoochy-fest between the NPc gets unbearable. I will be using FoundryVTT for maps/SpecFX. I have 12 years of exalted maps and tokens and stories and stuff ported over to Foundry from Roll20. I will let you destroy the world if the story goes that way. I will let you save the heavens if the choices are made. I will even give you a big long wide anime-sized sword/hammer/bow/chakram/etc. to do it with.

Gameplay details

We will do a session Zero before game. Any themes that are uncomfortable should be listed at that time, but as we will all be telling a story for fun, limitations will always be discussed and changed for the benefit of the players. I will be instituting O,X,&N cards as well as Lines and Veils for any extra help or overlap.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

We will be using EdsExalted character sheet generator. I will provide any passkeys or codes at no additional charge. Dice may be rolled offscreen with expectations of honesty. The characters will either all be Solar characters(They start off the most powerful, are hunted by the establishment, and are well-rounded generalists) or all be Dragonblooded(Elemental royalty with extra gear who can pass power to descendants). There will not be a mixture as the two power levels are noticeable and the story-types are different.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: High
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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