Eterian Empire

Eterian Empire

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Foundry VTT, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

This game takes place in a setting called the Eter Empire and nearby surrounding territories and city states. Depending on various factors such as just generally what the players want, how many players there are, and possibly just which I feel like running, the campaign typically takes place in one of three time frames. The unification wars, where the kingdom of Eter became ascendant among it's neighbors, where players can fight for the empire, against the empire, or just do their own things while events unfold around them. The middle years, a time of relative peace but also various crises such as The Dark Sunrise Crisis, eventually culminating in the civil war between the crown prince Altas Eter, and his younger brother Solaras. Finally the Fall of the Empire after an invading army from the north topples the emperor and effectively conquers the empire becoming the new administrators, will the players fight for the empire, attempt to tame the empire for the invaders, just try to protect the citizens from the unfolding chaos, perhaps even seek out the defeated prince of the Eterian civil war and raise him to the throne. Particularly ambitious players can even seek to play out all three, changing events of the canon to make a world of different possibilities (though each time frame is very much a full campaign on it's own.) The setting has it's own deities, cultures, and some homebrew races as well as the classics.

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

Before starting it'll be decided if everyone is doing a webcam or just a mic (also I'd honestly be fine with a full text campaign.) I'll have the rules ready beforehand if players wish to know them, they can create new characters or use prior ones (though some changes may need to be made to fit it into the setting.) Depending if people want to use foundry, roll20, or fantasygrounds they may need to install fantasygrounds.

What I provide

I might commission artwork of the PCs, I have done this before, but not always. Players can access the maps online at any time.

Gameplay details

I welcome players to do as much planning as they wish, I currently run three games in this setting and I'd say two are very heavy on planning and "fireside RP", while the third is more just winging it and only really doing anything on game night and both ways are fine to me. The campaign is flexible enough to facilitate about any playstyle that players want. More interested in RPing and political intrigue? Hobnob with nobles and commoners alike, go on diplomatic missions and solve (or cause) disputes. More interested in gritty combat and wilderness exploration? Avanyx the Black has been raiding trade ships coming out of Polnozgorod from his nesting area in the Kelsar Mountains. Just finding the beast will be an ordeal on it's own, much less facing it in combat. Wanting to just soak in the culture and lore of the setting? Do some jobs in each city before moving on to the next. Either before or during session 0 I'll flesh out what kind of content the players are comfortable with so I know what to use going forward.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Lines and Veils
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

Starting level will range from 1 to 5 depending what players want and what timeframe they'll be starting in. At a minimum characters will need to be made in dndbeyond, which players can connect to my campaign and use any of my sourcebooks for this. Players are free to either way for session 0 to make their characters, or can contact me anytime on discord to work out things like background, where they're from, different possibilities of how they can be connected to the setting if they wish.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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