Dungeon World - A Sundered World

Dungeon World - A Sundered World

Dungeon World on Roll20, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3.5 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

This is a Dungeon World game that takes place after a great war shattered the cosmos long ago--a war fought between the deities and the demiurges. The ancients called this war the Sundering. The Sundering left shattered worlds built atop the dead deities of old. It destroyed the planar boundaries causing a maelstrom of planes shifting in a chaotic class of realities. This is the Astral Void. The deities and demiurges died long ago, but their creations live on, sailing the Void Sea. Tales are told of the Astral leviathans that swim the silvery expanse with ease, and so even tell of the heroes who dared to slay one of these gargantuan creatures. Will you ride the Void Sea in a great galleon to find lost islands in the Void, hunt for treasures beyond telling, and carve out a place in the Astral Seas to call your own? Dungeon World is a game that focuses on storytelling, roleplaying, and fun interaction between players and GM. It's based on the Powered by the Apocalypse system, which focuses more on the consequences of success, rather than the finality of failure.

3 years on StartPlaying

7 games hosted

Additional Details

How to prepare

I use Discord for audio and roll20 for maps, character sheets, and video. Video is not a requirement, though it's great for interacting. All the rolls will take place in the Roll20 chat via the character sheets and virtual dice. Please take a gander at the following sections of the Dungeon World rules: "Playing the Game" https://exposit.github.io/dw-srd/dw_playing_the_game.html "Basic Moves" https://exposit.github.io/dw-srd/dw_basic_moves.html Dungeon World is a rather easy system to learn on the fly as well, and I'm more than willing to teach it. It would be a great help if players could create a player token as well. Here's a great resource for that (http://rolladvantage.com/tokenstamp/). Tokens aren't at all required (I can definitely make them). DW doesn't focus on tactical combat, though there is combat involved. But, tokens can be super helpful during dungeon exploration.

What I provide

I'm running a Discord server for my various games that are in flight, and will add players who wish to join. Also, I'll have maps ready to go on Roll20, including maps for dungeon exploration, settlements, and the like. In addition, I've got a wide range of what DW calls Adventure Fronts, which are essentially quests. I can also provide supplementary rules materials, and alternate class options for players. If needed I can schedule prep sessions prior to the game to get folx up to speed and answer any questions.

Gameplay details

Dungeon World is a conversation between the players and the GM. We talk about what's happening in the game--this is called the "fiction". When the characters want to do something, they must attempt to make a "move". Players perform these "moves" by rolling 2d6 (with modifiers and the like). Normally, on a 10 or above they accomplish their aims with no consequences, on a 7-9 they accomplish their aims with consequences, and finally, on a 6 or below there are significant repercussions (i.e., the GM gets to do something). There are basic moves that serve as the crux of the game. In addition, each class has its own unique set of moves. What makes DW unique is its focus on roleplaying and story-telling. As a GM it's my duty to ask questions of the players, and use those answers in the story that we're telling together. The GM's primary goal of this game is to perform the following: 1) Portray a fantastic world 2) Fill the characters’ lives with adventure 3) Play to find out what happens As a GM, I'll be filling the players' lives with unique characters, strange and dangerous quests, and complicating their lives with difficult decisions and villainous motivations. Really, I am a fan of my players, and always looking for an opportunity to let them shine! Here's a great summary of Dungeon World (taken from the SRD): https://exposit.github.io/dw-srd/dw_why_play_dungeon_world.html

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Characters start at 1st level, and it'd be best to have them prepared prior to the game. I can provide some pre-generated characters if you'd like to start with one of those. This is a great way to start jumping into the Dungeon World system.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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