Dragons of Icespire Peak D&D |5e| - for beginners and up  - Roll20 Level 1-7

Dragons of Icespire Peak D&D |5e| - for beginners and up - Roll20 Level 1-7

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Roll20, D&D Beyond, Discord, Theater of the Mind

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2.5 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session


About the adventure

This is a great beginning level adventure for those unfamiliar or who have not played in a while. It will take your character through levels 1 - 6 where you start off as adventurers for hire, doing odd jobs around the town of Phandalin. All the while you hear rumors of a dragon that has come down from the north to take up residence in the area. It's presence has upset the countryside and now even orcs are seen in the area. Will you help deal with the problems facing the town of Phandalin and help quell their fears? The adventure awaits! Driven from lands farther north by more powerful dragons, a young white dragon named Cryovain has descended upon the Sword Mountains, claiming the snow-capped range as its domain. Typical of its kind, Cryovain is dim-witted and cruel. The dragon patrols the skies around Icespire Peak, surveying its territory while hunting for food and easy treasure. With each passing day, the dragon’s domain grows as it ranges farther across the land, preying on anything it can catch with its claws or freeze to death with its icy breath. Sightings of the dragon are becoming more common, as are its attacks. A crumbling fortress on the northeast spur of Icespire Peak serves as the dragon’s lair. Cryovain seized the icy fortress from a tribe of savage orcs, killing the orc war chief and forcing the tribe’s survivors to flee into the foothills and forests. Enraged by the death of their war chief, the orcs have called upon ancient allies — evil, shapechanging, half-orc spellcasters who bless and advise them. These half-orcs worship Talos, an evil god of storms, and many dwell in the dark depths of Neverwinter Wood. In stormy weather, they gather on remote hilltops to summon Gorthok the Thunder Boar, a primal entity that serves Talos. Like the god it serves, Gorthok delights in destruction. The orcs aren’t the only creatures thrown into upheaval by Cryovain’s sudden arrival. A manticore driven from its mountaintop nest by the roaming white dragon has migrated to the foothills and begun terrorizing folk living on the outskirts of the mining town of Phandalin. Other monsters in the region have been similarly displaced.


3 years on StartPlaying

177 games hosted

Highly rated for: Teacher, Creativity, Inclusive

Additional Details

How to prepare

You will need a working mic and a connection to the Discord server which I will give out. I will also send out link to the campaigns to join so everything is connected. Try to build some sort of character story so that it is more involved in the story! We can help advise as one wishes to develop a character for fun. A free account on Roll20l, D&D Beyond, a working mic and Beyond20 and a character back story.

What I provide

Dice are handy as sometimes the virtual die do do not work accordingly. Plus half the fun is tossing those die around and waiting for that NAT 20 to show up. Music and sound effects will be used at times and distinct character traits for major NPC's. Other that that make sure you are hydrated and have enough to eat to last through what can sometimes extended into a long session if everyone is having fun, As GM I like to play fast and read with the rules and let's just all have fun and not worry about that lurking best in the forest! All of the sourcebooks for D&D 5e on DNDBeyond and can be used for character creation.

Gameplay details

This adventure should in no way encourage topics that will be uncomfortable to others. If a topic is mentioned even by GM please let us know and we can all walk back from table if need, No reasons need to be given topic. We use the card system present and a safe word approach to to avoid any potential probable/triggers. There will be quite a bit of combat so players should expect some scenes of violence. There will be some description of battle in graphic detail. There will be no violent PVP action allowed during the game unless agreed upon by all members including the DM.

Content warnings


Safety tools used

  • Aftercare

  • Breaks

  • Open Door

How will character creation work

Characters will use WoTC Material and 5e rules and will usually happen before session 1. There is no homebrewing of classes or subclasses. This is so we can have as much game time as possible from the get go. I can work with each player on character ideas. We use the character sheets provided by D&D Beyond. Abilities will be rolled for in front of the DM and multicla1 is usually just a short run down of rules and expectations and then on to game play. If you have anything homebrew you wished to add please ask the GM but for the most part please stick with rules and items as written. DM has final say on a ruling at the table and will give their reasoning for the ruling. Please watch cross talk and please allow other players to play characters the way they want. There is no need to remind them of rules all the time as that is a way for a player to learn. Let them ask me a rule or I will suggest something to them. Please keep meta gaming down to a minimum.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium

  • Roleplay: Low

  • Puzzles: Low

  • Experience Level: Beginner

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