Down and Out in the Mushroom Kingdom - A Mario Noir One-Shot

Down and Out in the Mushroom Kingdom - A Mario Noir One-Shot

Savage Worlds on Zoom, Owlbear Rodeo

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Trouble is brewing in the Mushroom Empire. Once, this land was a verdant paradise, in which humans and toadstools, goombas and koopas worked together to create a bright future under the benevolent monarchy. Or so the government-sanctioned history books tell us. Maybe it was true at the onset of the colonial era, almost a century ago. All that this generation has known, however, is political corruption, racial strife, economic decline, and provincial rebellion. Perhaps things are different in the shadow of Queen Regent Peach's castle. But here at the peripheries, the colonies and provinces overseen by scheming governors appointed by the Mushroom Crown, the unrest is more overt. Here, the so-called officers of the so-called law are more obviously tools of oppression, weapons wielded by political and corporate elites against the masses. Here, life is just another commodity to be bought, sold, bargained with, or stolen. And so every day, another jaded ‘citizen’ of the Empire turns to the paramilitary Koopa Union, lured there by the persuasive rhetoric of the self-styled Koopa King Bowser. But when a visiting minor dignitary is killed in Rogueport–the gateway to the Kingdom’s colonial holdings, the borderland between gilded decay and boiling discontent–the delicate equilibrium of the Empire itself is under threat. Who killed the Yoshi ambassador? And why? The investigators, hired by a mysterious third party, will have to navigate this monochrome world to either solve the mystery... or Game Over trying. This is a gritty, tongue-in-cheek noir one-shot game using a slightly simplified version of the Savage Worlds ruleset.

2 years on StartPlaying

124 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, Inclusive

Additional Details

How to prepare

If we are playing virtually, please set up a webcam and mic in advance. You do not need to download the Zoom app, but it runs more smoothly if you do so. If we're playing in person, bring your favorite set of dice and dress in your 1920s/film noir best!

What I provide

Virtually or in person, I will bring character sheets, a quick rules handout, maps for the various locations you'll visit, background music, and, of course, a mystery adventure for you to explore and solve!

Gameplay details

This game focuses on a single mystery, though combat and other high-octane action scenes are likely to occur. The story will toy with some film noir tropes, especially alcohol and drug consumption. All players are encouraged to fill out a Consent in Gaming form that I will provide, and an X-Card system will be in effect throughout the session.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Character creation will occur through a simple guided process at the beginning of the session, taking about 15-20 minutes. No prior knowledge of Savage Worlds is necessary.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: High
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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