Doorways & Divination: A Pathfinder 2e Campaign

Doorways & Divination: A Pathfinder 2e Campaign

Pathfinder 2e on Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Join me in two of Paizo's newest Pathfinder Adventure Path, Gatewalkers & Stolen Fate! Gatewalkers (Levels 1-11) You, like many others, lost some time recently during an event people are now calling "the Missing Moment." Some people lost a minute, an hour, maybe a day or two. You lost three months. What's more, ever since you've returned, things have felt...strange. Delve into the occult mysteries behind this strange phenomenon while traveling all around the Inner Sea region (and beyond?) going deeper and deeper into the unknown. What happened when you went through the gate, and what are you willing to do to find out? Stolen Fate (Levels 11-20) After Gatewalkers, we will continue on to Stolen Fate. I don't want to give too much away, but I will be tying the campaigns (and your backstories) together in a variety of ways, large and small. Stolen Fate deals with legendary Harrow cards(Golarion's version of Tarot cards), questions of destiny and free will in the Age of Lost Omens, and more.


2 years on StartPlaying

33 games hosted

Highly rated for: Inclusive, Creativity, Voices

Additional Details

How to prepare

All you need to do is show up! That said, if you'd like to get started on character creation before session 0, I would support that decision wholeheartedly, as it will help keep things moving during session 0. Upon sign up I will provide a link to the private discord channel, and will be open to providing any necessary aid in creating your character and backstory. Please note: Some options (archetypes, class feats, magic items, etc) found on Archives of Nethys may contain spoilers for these Adventure Paths. I'm trusting you will do your best to avoid them when you can, and that you will let me know if you do get spoiled.

What I provide

Once you sign up, I will provide you with a link to the discord we will be using, a link to a google drive folder we will use for various things throughout the campaign, and a link to the Foundry table. Once you join the discord, I will do my best to respond to any questions or comments as quickly as I can.

Gameplay details

We will be playing with all first party options available, I will provide you with the player's guide as well as anything else you need (including help with Foundry and/or Discord), and rules and such are available at We will finalize character creation during session 0, and take some time to get a feel for each other. You have access to all ancestries and classes at character creation, though I would recommend looking at the player's guides for guidance before making any decisions.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

Characters will start at level 1, following the standard rules for character creation as outlined in the Core Rulebook as well as (Archives of Nethys), with a few modifications. I think for this AP that, while any build you can come up with would work, playing with a Common or Uncommon Ancestry and one of the Backgrounds from the Player's Guide best serves the plot, telling a story of otherwise ordinary people (by Golarion standards!) exposed to unusual magic and circumstances. That said, as far as level 1 options go I'm not making any hard lines. I ask you run any Rare character options (Ancestry, Background, gear, etc) by me before getting your heart set on them, but all Common and Uncommon options are available, and I am extremely likely to say yes to any Rare options during character creation. I like players to be able to make the concept they want to play, regardless of how wacky it may be. Sometimes the Rare options just fit certain campaigns better than others, and I just want to be sure this is the right campaign for your concept. After level 1 I will be a teensy bit more restrictive in what Rare options you can take, but am always willing to have a conversation about it, and really just want to make sure it makes sense and wouldn't break our canon. You will also gain some strange powers as a result of your Missing Moment experiences. This takes the form of a bonus Deviant feat at 1st level, and some more at a few story points during the game. I also have a few house rules that will give you some bonus Lore skills, skill feats, and/or archetype feats that are best explained on Discord and don't happen at level 1.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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