DnD with TALESPIRE for newcomers and Veterans alike!

DnD with TALESPIRE for newcomers and Veterans alike!

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Tale Spire, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Hey guys! So i use Talespire which is currently in closed beta and all you need as mentioned is a Microphone and Discord, a decent screen to watch the action while i stream it is a plus! I like to reward creative thinking, and dont penalize for thinking outside the box, but i do believe every action has a reaction. I like knitty gritty but it really depends on the group as im very flexible, and since this is paid by you we usually have a discussion with the group on what you likes would like to see or use before we start. We will use Discord for the most part, and you can either roll with the trust system or use the Dicebot while all my rolls can be seen online so no fudging on my part. I love new players as well and in my Channel i already have 5 types of 1 shots for you to choose from if you arent sure where to start. Feel free to reach out on any questions you have!

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

All you need is Discord and a Mic, but if you prefer a Text Based Session then even a mic is not needed as we can just type to each other in Out of character Chat and have NPC/PCs talk to each other in a In game chat tab on Discord. I would suggest creating a character beforehand, but if you need help ide be more then happy to help guide you through it with useful links.

What I provide

My dice will be rolled ingame for all to see, players can use images they find online to represent their characters in discord and will have a good number of tokens to choose from to represent their Characters in the game. I will take screenshots of highlighted moments in game for them to have after.

Gameplay details

I like to have a bit of everything in my game, puzzles, battles but there are options to deal with it besides violence usually. I also advice players to use common sense but not be afraid to try something crazy because if it sounds legit enough and you roll well i see no reason to make it happen! I love Roleplay and i find its usually key, but i understand it takes more times for some to adjust and get comfortable so no pressure, I also love Text Roleplay for those who prefer to use that instead of their voice. Basically typing out your actions and words. No experience needed, and there's always more then 1 combat encounter in each of my sessions.

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How will character creation work

If unsure or new ill guide you through, usually suggesting DnD beyond. We start at lvl 1 if are new with perhaps a free feat but can start at higher levels for others more familiar or comfortable. As long as i have easy access to your sheet you can use anything.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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