Descent Into Rhaspidian | A Sempervirēn Untold Campaign

Descent Into Rhaspidian | A Sempervirēn Untold Campaign

Dungeons & Dragons 5e, Homebrew Game on Above VTT, D&D Beyond, Discord, Theater of the Mind

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Set in the established homebrew world of Sempervirēn, Descent Into Rhaspidian could be described as Bioshock meets cosmic horror set in the world of Dungeons and Dragons. If that piques your interest, this is the campaign you are looking for. -- Your journey begins in the subterranean city of Phalos, better known as the Underbelly, home to thieves' guilds, shady merchants, and those looking to escape the frigid temperatures of the topside world. You have been hired by scholar and enchantress Alara Windermere to help escort her to the mysterious location known as the Spire of Rhaspidian. As a player, you will... 🗻 Traverse the sprawling snowscapes of the frozen continent Montîbus 🛕 Descend into the endless floors of the extradimensional Tower of Rhaspidian 🔮 Unlock secrets and mysteries that push the very boundaries of the arcane arts ⚔️ Face creatures from beyond the material plane 🧟‍♂️ Stop what lurks within Rhaspidian 🛡 Leave your mark on the world of Sempervirēn forever -- If you have made it this far, let us go ahead and set the scene… We fade in on the endless horizon of frozen sea ice where an ominous monolithic tower stands with whisps of snow swirling around it. The dark stone it is constructed of is a drastic juxtaposition to the stark white snowscape that encompasses the monolithic tower. From its base stairs ascend upward like a snake coiling around its prey until it reaches the apex roughly 500 feet from the ground where it continues into a spire that stretches toward the sky. Atop the spire resides a large arcane beacon emulating a bright blue light that pulses in and out acting as a guide to airships traversing the dangerous snowstorms that rip through Montîbus. Moving downward from the arcane beacon to the base of the spire you will find double doors made of pure platinum. It is what is beyond those doors that seems to beckon curiosity and where the adventure truly begins as infinite possibilities await you. Are you ready to descend into Rhaspidian? -- Heavy Roleplay | Long-term campaign | Levels 3-15 | Epic Adventures Awaits -- TO NOTE: The Descent Into Rhaspidian campaign coincides with two other campaigns that are running on the same continent at the same point in time. Choices made by your character could have direct or indirect consequences on the other groups' stories and vice versa as this is a living, breathing world full of complexities.


2 years on StartPlaying

380 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, World Builder

Average response time: 2 hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional Details

How to prepare

You will need a working mic. A webcam is not needed, but if the group decides later on that they want to do video sessions we can explore it. Please sign-up for Discord if you do not have an account already. That is how we will be communicating and doing voice during sessions. Please send me a friend request on Discord so I can add you to the server. My username is GM (Kylie Rose)#6640 When it comes to rules I will reiterate from earlier that do not feel like you need to know all the rules because there are A LOT of them. If a rule is in question or perhaps the answer is not clear at the moment I will make a call to best serve the story and make sure to address it at the beginning of the next session. I do, however, recommend that you at least review the player handbook, and look at resources online. There is a lot of great info out there, but if you need help or have any questions let me know. I am happy to help! Please register an account on D&D Beyond and I will send a link to join the campaign. From there you will have access to all the items I have unlocked. There is every type of playable character type available from the Monsters of the Multiverse Book. If there is one you want to play that you do not see just let me know and we can figure it out from there. As I mentioned above I will send a link to the campaign. The last thing you will need to do is download the Above VTT Chrome or Firefox extension. It is nothing you have to pay for, it is just needed so that you can access the campaign. I will send a link via Discord, a Google Doc, and on the Start.Playing campaign page so you have access to it on multiple channels. If you have any questions please reach out! I am here to help :)

What I provide

You can expect a detailed map of the continent on which this campaign takes place, battlemaps, still images to set the scene, an immersive soundscape, and a GM who pours their heart and soul into creating a unique experience for their players.

Gameplay details

If you have checked out my profile you may already know my play style, but here is a breakdown of what to expect: As your GM, I know how valuable everyone’s time is and that you are trusting me to deliver a memorable experience. I do not take that responsibility lightly. With that said, I want to share what you can expect when joining one of the many Sempervirēn Untold Campaigns: WHAT TO EXPECT - Every Session 0, for any of the campaigns I host, will ALWAYS be free. Everyone has expectations and what they hope to get out of a D&D campaign so Session 0 is a great way to make sure the campaign is a good fit for everyone. We all have play styles we enjoy so let's make sure this experience will work for all in the group. - A safe and inclusive space for everyone. I do not tolerate bullies or making others uncomfortable. We are here to have fun, tell stories, and escape from reality for a bit. Everyone deserves that opportunity and feels safe doing so. - Rules…yes, they are important, but if you can pitch me an idea that might bend the rules or it adds some flavor to the narrative I am here for it! I am not here to be the rule police and ruin a fun/memorable moment because the DMG said otherwise. So, if you have an idea or want to try something never be afraid to ask. I LOVE when players think outside the box and want to try unique things. It fills my GM heart with joy! - Just a little more on rules…If I miss a rule or screw something up, just shoot me a private message via Discord. While I have scoured many of the D&D official books I have not memorized EVERYTHING. I do not expect players to have everything memorized. If the rule in question is something we cannot figure out at the moment or it is taking too much time to research taking the party out of the game, I will make a decision on the spot and reconvene with the party before the next session for any clarification. Sometimes moments are circumstantial and will change from session to session, game to game. However, at the end of the day, my players and the story they are weaving is the most important thing to me. - A player-focused story. Yes, I have built the world of Sempervirēn, but I want the character you created to decide where things will inevitably go. More on that later. - Doing my homework. I know every GM has their own method of approaching each session, but know that I spend time each week planning various elements of the story, weaving in character backstories, designing battle maps, soundscapes, world maps, etc. You are investing in me to deliver and know that behind the scenes I am planning to make sure I give you a world-class D&D experience to the best of my ability each week. I am sure there are some things I am missing but those are some of the base expectations for what to expect in Session 0 and what you can expect from me as your GM. We will go into more details as we kick off the campaign. Finally, I believe we are ALL inherently storytellers, and being able to bring players into the world of Sempervirēn to weave their own stories excites me as a GM. I make a point to spend 1 on 1 time with each of my players to discuss your character’s backstory and what they hope to accomplish during their time in the campaign. Each player that joins will have a 1 on 1 session with me after Session 0 to discuss their backstory so I can begin doing my homework to weave it into the campaign. If you have a backstory already figured out before Session 0 send it my way and I will start planning based on what you send. It has been something I have been doing with the current campaign I am running and my players have thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity. So, let's start planning! If you have made it to this point I hope to see you join one of my campaigns. I have a background in screenwriting/creative writing and have done voice-over work amongst other things so know that I will be working hard to deliver an experience you will not forget. Happy gaming and I hope to see you become part of Sempervirēn Untold. -Kylie Rose <3

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Bleed
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Lines and Veils
  • Luxton Technique
  • Luxton Technique Discussion
  • Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

Character creation will happen in Session 0 and is meant to be a collaborative process. From there you will have an entire week to finalize. A D&D Beyond Link will be provided via Discord for character creation. Multiclassing (up to 2 | i.e. Ranger/Rogue) is allowed. Just run it by me first and let me know how you want it to play into your backstory so that we can work it into the story together. Players can feel free to start working on their character/backstory prior and send any information my way. My goal is to find ways of weaving your character's backstory into the narrative so the earlier I have that the better so I can begin to plan. Characters will start at level 3 and progress to level 15 by the end of the campaign.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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