Demon Gate "The Witch Blade of Myst Guard"

Demon Gate "The Witch Blade of Myst Guard"

Demon Gate on Discord, Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

The Witch Blade of Myst Guard [Demon Gate] you are students or employees at the Academy of the Spell Guard. Often times mages are hunted in the world of Koth, burned at the stake. However, here in Mage Realm they are tutored and taught to control sorcery. Magic is such a dangerous and unpredictable gift that it must be tuned and tamed, or it could unleash untold power. Demon Gate is a dark fantasy tabletop roleplaying game set within a feudal, medieval era where all races were once slaves to the demons of the world. Ho3wever, the devils have been trapped within the prisons of Hell for thousands of years. Thus, mortals have forgotten about them. Now adventurers delve into the ancient ruins of races long dead and otherworldly beings lost to the teeth of time. Such as the black towers of the Void Gods which hold arcane treasures and mystic artifacts that wield esoteric technology, or what we call "magic". We will be using Roll20 and Discord for chat. The setting and system is all set up within the token macros for ease of use. It is all very user friendly and I do not mind beginners stepping into the game at all. I usually prefer to run with 60% RP and 40% combat, but that is really up to the players and their style. Hope to see you there!

Published Writer
Game Designer

3 years on StartPlaying

1 game hosted

Additional Details

How to prepare

You need only a working mic and the ability to access the internet and have your mic connection be solid. We are using Roll20 and Discord. Hopefully the tech issues will be completed and checked before game. There is no need to read the rules if you do not wish to. I can give you a quick rundown and in game there are handouts with rules in them for you to view. Token macros make everything user friendly and easy for players to click on and use. I know the rules of the system in and out so I can walk everyone through and assist with options during play. So all in all, you just need your computer and a mic. I recommend not playing Roll20 on your phone, Roll20 is rough on your phone. Have at least a laptop or desktop.

What I provide

Players will have illustrations of their characters and their own sheets in Roll20. The game is virtual so all players will be online and I will supply each player with a free PDF of the Core Rulebook for playing, which is in itself a $20 value. I have coupons for free downloads of the Demon Gate setting. I am the game designer of this system and the setting so I know the rules pretty well. I will help with any and everything and walk you through each scenario letting you know your options. I enjoy collaborating the story together, allowing you to describe your actions after rolls have been made if you like, especially for critical hits and critical defense! If you wish for me to describe your character's actions just let me know, some people do not feel comfortable doing so and that is fine too. There will be maps, dice, music, art, and I promise you a grand adventure and a very fun experience. I have been a game master for decades and I love creating a fun story for everyone else to enjoy... even if they die along the way! Muahahaha!

Gameplay details

Roleplaying in Demon Gate is gritty for it is a dark fantasy setting. There is a mix of sci-fi elements in the lore. In this setting all magic is dangerous and it is highly untrusted in most lands, or in some it is punishable by death. Witches are burned at the stake, blamed for dark happenings, called devil worshippers, and hunted. This particular campaign will take place at a magic school where sorcery is nurtured and shared. It will have a great deal of magic, fantasy, and supernatural themes to the game but the dark, grittiness is always there. We will try to keep the roleplay darker for immersion purposes. Joking around and having fun is of course a big part of the fun, but please try to refrain from breaking any immersion in the RP during emotional scenes. It is so much more rewarding when all the players are on the same page. We will use Discord chat but cameras are not necessary. I find that not using cameras often helps people feel more comfortable to do voices and not have to show their face. We will use Roll20 and I can supply premade characters for the game or we can get together and make them in advance. I would like the players to have characters before the game starts. I can even help with the making of the characters and walk you through the entire process. I do not mind offering a quick free session 0 for character creation that can last about an hour. I have created macros for playing the game that make it very simple for players so they do not even have to open their character sheets most of the time if you do not want to. All you have to do is click on your token and a list of buttons will appear at the top of your screen like [Attacks] [Defense] [Skills] [Casting] ect. If you need any assistance before game I would be happy to help. If you wish to know more about the system you can check out Survival is a large part of the game and you must be wary of food, provisions, and water. There are tables for hunting, crafting things due to gaining units of supplies from what you kill or salvage. You may use these items you collect to trade, sell, or craft. If you choose to know Alchemy then there is an extensive list of alchemical components for making potions and salves. Choosing the right skills during character creation is a good way to secure your survival. You have a physical and mental condition monitor on your character sheet. This is a great mechanc to utilize for the build up of dread and is primarily used for survival. As your physical or mental condition starts to degrade, it will also begin to horribly affect your stats so you will want to keep fed, keep warm, and keep mentaly stable. Each nick on the condition monitor will erode your status so keep it in the green.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Luxton Technique Discussion
  • Open Door
  • Stars and Wishes
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

We are going to make level 2 characters and I will help you design these characters if you wish to design your own characters. You may also choose to pick a pre-made if you wish to do so and there is an option for a Life Path if you would like to use it. I would like characters made beforehand so for the first game we should be able to pick up and play.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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