Music From A Darkened Room - Investigative Horror Close To Home - Beginner Friendly

Music From A Darkened Room - Investigative Horror Close To Home - Beginner Friendly

Delta Green on Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 4 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

There is a house in every every neighbourhood. THAT house, that seems to go up for sale again more than any other. The one that doesn't seem to have had renovations since the 50's. It has a dense growth of ivy on its side, and the tree in the front could do with a pruning. It's neither grand nor rundown. The house that nobody likes. Not for a particular reason, mind you. That's just what the locals tell themselves. Those who have been around there longer know to avoid this house, particularly at night. It's only a matter of time before a new neighbour moves in. But, whatever happened to those ones who moved out? Well, that's their business. They live happily ever after somewhere else, one might tell themselves. Good for them. What if they never leave, though...? You and your fellow Agents with Delta Green have been invited to another "night at the opera". Apparently, and tragically, another fellow Agent, Arthur Donnelley, retired FBI, has died. The story is unclear. That's good. It means that it's less likely that somebody's trying to cover something up. The Agent in question had served with Delta Green for a longer time than most, which is uncommon, in and of itself. Consequently, Donnelley had amassed something of a collection of potential hazards to your cause's security --- whether in the form of information, or things more tangible. It wouldn't do if that fell into the wrong hands, for your safety, and that of the unfortunate inheritor of said potential hazards. And, as something of a professional courtesy, you want to figure out how, where, and why he died. What was Donnelley doing? What did he know? Was there foul play? If there is something else going on that he did not report in, you'll be the ones to drag it into the light to determine whether it constitutes a threat. You don't have much to go on. But then again, if you did, why would they be sending you to confirm what A-CELL already knows? You have an address, a couple of names, a burner phone with an international plan, a bill for a storage container, a rental car, and a motel on the edge of the city. Welcome to THAT house, Agent. --- A real-estate agent trudges down the front steps and makes her way across the driveway with a tired gate. Her brow furrows as she draws closer to the patch of exposed siding on the house. She thought she told the company to use a power washer on it if they had to. Oh, well. She could paint over it herself on Monday, need be. She lets out an odd sigh as she shivers slightly, even though the chill of Autumn is still a ways off. She turns on her heel, making a note on her tablet to bring a step ladder next time, and walks back to her car. The minute scrawl, the colour of dried blood, briefly gleams in her car's headlights as she pulls out of the driveway. "HELL IS ME", the house says back.


3 years on StartPlaying

25 games hosted

Additional Details

How to prepare

REQUIRED MATERIALS, SOFTWARE, AND EQUIPMENT: -Webcam -Microphone -Headphones or earbuds that are compatible with Discord -A free Discord account -The Free "Syrinscape Online (beta)" app (to be able to hear sound effects) Scroll down and read the instructions at the link if you are unfamiliar with the software. (I will send you an invitation to receive the sounds generated on my account the day of the game) -A Notebook/Notepad/Writing surface of your choosing for Notetaking

What I provide

T'INGS THAT I WILL PROVIDE: -All pertinent rules for Delta Green -Handouts for the adventure -Syrinscape sound effects -Background music -Fun, mystery ...AND HORROR!

Gameplay details

During the course of a typical game of Delta Green, the Agents (player characters) will, through the course of their work for Delta Green, regardless of who they are or what they do for a living, encounter something strange, unnatural, or flat-out hair-raisingly horrifying. Your role, as Agents, will be to delve into the mystery, behaving as genuine federal agents might, yet still seeing and acknowledging the true terror of what is before you through your character's eyes --- and, you know that if you try and involve other authorities in this, they likely will not believe you, might potentially arrest you, or they might make the situation much, much worse than that. You are here to find clues, interview suspects and witnesses without letting them know who you really work for, make deductions, roleplay with each other and with NPCs, ascertain and neutralize unnatural threats, and possibly go MAD from what you find... A typical game is not combat-heavy. However, if push comes to shove, they are hot on your heels, or they are getting away and you need to stop them at all costs, gritty, tooth-and-nail fights for survival can break out. There will NOT be maps and tokens, as Delta is nearly entirely reliant on the theatre of the mind. Dice Rolling, Voice Audio, Webcam portraits, and Handouts will be operated in Discord. Humour is a vital component of horror, and I respect this, and will NOT be asking all participants not to have fun XD. However, when things get VERY SERIOUS...! I would appreciate it if participants would please respect the tone, such as it is. Also, I strongly recommend that you take notes to keep track of names and pieces of information. I, J.P., will be playing the role the "Handler" (The Game Master). I will be the narrator, the voice of the NPCs, your contacts at A-Cell (the higher-ups at Delta Green), and the informal referee. I am not trying to kill your characters or cause you, the players, distress. I am doing my best to facilitate an engaging story around your characters as they drive it forward. CONTENT WARNINGS *Please be aware that, as this is a horror game, there may be certain subject matters that, while they are supposed to make you feel discomfort and/or fear, they may not be suitable for all players. These themes include; Suicide --- LOTS of suicide (graphically described), Violence, Gun Violence, Weapon Violence, Murder, Accidental Deaths, Death of Children, Cult Rituals, Hallucinations, Cramped Spaces, Parapsychology, Conspiracies, Drug Addiction/Abuse, Police Confrontation/Violence, Graverobbing, Interviews, Suburbia, Small Talk, and Reading --- though, not necessarily in that order!* SAFETY: If, at any point during the course of the game, you find that you are intolerably uncomfortable with a given set of circumstances (that I have not listed above as warning), in the game or between players, you reserve your right to use your X, N, O CARDS by typing in chat, or saying the respective letter aloud. For context; X=You are uncomfortable with the present content in the game. The group can change the content, rewind and redo, or have the scene fade to black. N=You believe that the present circumstances are leading to an X for you. The group can change course so that it doesn't become an X or have the scene fade to black. O=You are okay with what is going on. Occasionally, if I ask "O?", I am gauging everyone's comfort levels (outside of the horror inherent of the game). I would ask that each participant be open to, as a group, discussing any curiosities, concerns, and / or highlights, and excitements pertaining to the content of the sessions, before, during, or after a session, if necessary. If a participant exhibits negative, toxic, abusive, aggressive, hateful, discriminatory, blaming, and/or unkind behaviours that put down / disrespect others at the table, I reserve the right to ask them to stop and/or leave.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Lines and Veils
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

I will be communicating with each player in advance of the day of the session to help you make a Delta Green Agent. I will send you a Google Forms questionnaire in order to gain a better perspective of you as a player to help prepare a better experience for you, and to help you envision your character. If you already know how to make an Agent, grand! I would still ask of each participant that we communicate, regardless, so as to allow me to be able to tailor the scenario to the information I have about your respective Agent. (I will communicate with you in Discord (for audio, images, text, and video) for the character creation process, and during play).

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Low
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: High
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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