Dead Space: Sunken Depths

Dead Space: Sunken Depths

Alien RPG on Discord, Owlbear Rodeo

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Welcome to the world of Dead Space. Space is cold and unforgiving, resources are always low, and the echo of a strange alien influence permeates every level of civilization. In the cold ocean depths of Fi-Marius II, communications with the marine research facility Navita Station suddenly goes quiet. It's your job to figure out why. This is a horror RPG, with a large focus on body horror and psychotic Lovecraftian horror. Not only will characters grapple with their stress, but they will also have to resist countless assaults on their sanity from a malevolent influence. Character death is not only possible; it is inevitable. Prepare for the worst-case scenario. We will be using the Alien RPG system by Free League Publishing, with minor additions (such as Psychosis) and other elements created by me. Those familiar with the system will feel right at home mechanically, but will have many surprises awaiting them narratively. Familiarity with the Dead Space lore is NOT MANDATORY. In fact, the less known, the scarier it could possibly be! The goal is to create an authentic-feeling Dead Space narrative with real characters and stakes.


2 years on StartPlaying

23 games hosted

Highly rated for: Sets the Mood, Creativity, Rule of Cool

Additional Details

How to prepare

Have a good quality microphone if you can, as we will be playing using Discord Voice. A handy cheatsheet and form-fillable character sheets will be provided, and dice will as well. Those who are familiar with the game and have access to the Alien dice are welcome to bring them. Otherwise, we will be using a discord dicebot.

What I provide

I will provided the dice, maps, music, and story for you to explore!

Gameplay details

Expect a fast-paced and terrifying experience in the Dead Space universe. The goal above all else is to have fun!

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Breaks
  • Lines and Veils
  • Open Door
How will character creation work

Whether experienced or new, players will have access to character creation resources right from the get-go, allowing them to follow instructions to create right away. More tentative players will have access to a short pre-game and be walked through their character generation. This game features home-brew careers, so Alien resources will not be needed.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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