[D&D 5e, Eberron]The Adventures of E.P.I.C. EXISTING PLAYERS

[D&D 5e, Eberron]The Adventures of E.P.I.C. EXISTING PLAYERS

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3.5 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Campaign Setting: Eberron The Erlaskar Procurements and Investigations Company (E.P.I.C.) is an adventurers guild that operates on the border of the Eldeen Reaches and Breland. Or at least, it could be! Session 1 begins with your character arriving in Erlaskar clutching a flyer that you pulled off a wall in a tavern somewhere, eager for the promise of a new life of prosperous adventure. When you arrive in the small town, though, asking for the location of E.P.I.C. headquarters, the people point you to a worn canvas tent on an empty plot of land near the edge of town... The Adventures of E.P.I.C. will be a Monster-of-the-Week episodic campaign, with adventures that will take you all over Eberron. There will occasionally be reoccurring villains and a broad overarching storyline in the background, but the most adventures will be focused on a singular mission. Each session will be about 4 hours long, once a week. Each session will be capped at 6 Players, plus the DM.

Voice Actor

3 years on StartPlaying

102 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Sets the Mood

Additional Details

How to prepare

You'll want to make sure you have a Discord account and a headset mic. If you're going to use D&D Beyond to make your character, make sure you have the Beyond20 browser extension loaded.

What I provide

This is a virtual game, so Roll20 provides all the dice! I'll have maps for most encounters (sometimes we do theater-of-the-mind if we get into scuffle I wasn't prepared for). I'll help you make your character's token if you need it. I also provide easy to use spell templates for magic and easy-drop light sources if your character needs to light a torch.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Session 0
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

We'll do your personal Session 0 on Discord chat. I'll walk you through any character creation steps you need help with. I also have pre-generated characters if you just want to pick up and go.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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