Custom Event Game. Team Building to Birthdays

Custom Event Game. Team Building to Birthdays

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Let me know what I can create for you. From one-shot to campaign, from tested and true material to custom, reach out to me and I'll work with you to see what I can do for you. Welcome to DnD. Or maybe even welcome to Table Top Role Playing Games! If you are already in the know, welcome back! All you need is a modern laptop or PC and a microphone. I can set up the game to teach the basics or If players have experience with DnD 5e, we can get into the juicy gameplay even quicker! ‣ Pick from 12 premade characters to explore the sword coast region of Faerûn. ‣ Start at level 1 with stats and basic abilities filled out. ‣ Go through a quick tour of the player's access to Foundry Virtual Table Top ‣ Trial by fire- best way to learn DnD is by doing. I'll go over some basic rules, but then throw you right into gameplay. Trust me, it's easier than it sounds. ‣ 18+ only. Willing to do family friendly games with full bookings only. Message me. Standard Story: You've landed on the shoreline near a busy port. You make your way into the city to meet your old dwarven friend Gundren Rockseeker. You've been given the task of transporting a cart of supplies from the busy city of Neverwinter to the mining town of Phandalin and have been offered a hefty sum of 10 gold coins each. Should be easy. Right? What will you come across during your travels? Work as a group to complete your mission and reach Phandalin by the deadline. Discover the game so many people already love from the convenience of your personal computer. Looking forward to playing with you!

3 years on StartPlaying

290 games hosted

Highly rated for: Voices, Storytelling, Knows the Rules

Additional Details

How to prepare

You will need access to two main sites, and it would help if you set up accounts before the day of the game. They are: ‣ ‣ Sorry, but Foundry does not work well with safari. Make sure your other browser has GPU acceleration enabled.

What I provide

Everything will be handled in Foundry

Gameplay details

Gameplay is all about balancing the 3 pillars of DnD to the party's liking. Role play, exploration, combat. RP- I wont push too hard, but RP is 2/3 of RPG, so it's kinda important. Math. I like to run challenging campaigns that fully pull players into connecting with their characters. Exploration- Using Foundry VTT, I can prepare a spread of maps and have them ready depending where the players decide to go. Included is dynamic lighting, which gives each player their own individual FOV to the battlefield. Combat- If you've never used a VTT before, you are missing out. With character sheet integration, each roll is just a click away. This helps with encounter pacing immensely giving each player more time to interact with the world. The game itself will be handled on a web browser that can display maps, tokens, character sheets, and more. We will be using discord for verbal communication.

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How will character creation work

You will be able to chose from 12 premade characters. Give them a personal name and they'll become yours to do with as you wish.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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