Custom Campaign: Horror/Mystery

Custom Campaign: Horror/Mystery

Alien RPG, Vaesen on Vorpal Board

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 4 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

We will create your dream campaign together! Game systems available: Alien (Cosmic Horror) Tales From the Loop/Things From the Flood (Sci-Fi Mystery) All Flesh Must Be Eaten (Zombies) Vaesen (Nordic Folklore) Join up to 5 other players in a free session 0 where we will work together to find the perfect game system, setting, themes, and world for our story. Your character's story will be heavily intertwined with the larger narrative weaves, yielding a world that responds to your decisions in ways both minute and massive. I am a passionate storyteller who loves nothing more than to build multi-layered tales that incorporate and react to the stories and desires of the characters (and players) involved. Both groups and individuals are welcome! We can start playing with as few as two players, though 4-6 is ideal. We will find a time and day that works best for everyone to have regularly scheduled sessions. Games will be held every other week. Sessions will last approximately 4.5 hours, with a bit of hangout time before and after. If you are interested send a message and we will work out details for the session 0. My games are a safe space for all involved. RPG's are meant to allow us to explore parts of ourselves and our lives that we may struggle to do in other ways. No discrimination of any type is tolerated. NOTE: I do not use 3D maps for horror games typically. I find theater of the mind to be far more effective. There may be basic visual representations of maps. Send a message on here or email with any inquiries.

Voice Actor
Game Designer

3 years on StartPlaying

68 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Voices

Average response time: 22 hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional Details

How to prepare

Decent microphone and a webcam (if you'd like). The rest will depend on what we agree upon.

What I provide

-Lots of voices and sounds (Monster sounds are my specialty) -An open mind and willingness to adapt

Gameplay details

We will work together to establish what everyone needs to feel comfortable. Tools I utilize: 1. Session 0 to set expectations. 2. Lines and Veils: Lines are hard limits on content and Veils are soft limits of things that are okay to include in the story but not to delve into scenes and/or details of. I will make note of anything that ought or needs to be avoided. 2. X, N, O Cards: Type "X" in chat to let me know that you are uncomfortable with what is happening or would like to discuss something in private. Type "N" in chat if you feel that a scene is heading toward an "X" moment. We will figure out how to adjust. Type "O" in chat to signify that you are okay to continue. I will usually prompt an "O" check, but feel free to use it whenever. 3. Debrief: After each session, we will check in as a group and discuss the night's events. I understand that RPG's can have a real-life impact on people and I want to ensure that impact is a positive one. 4. Honesty: I will always be incredibly open and honest about how I am doing and what my intentions are. For the betterment of all players involved, I ask that we all maintain an open line of communication. Fun becomes a challenge in something as complex as an RPG when communication is not present.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

We will create characters together!

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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