Curse of Strahd

Curse of Strahd

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Welcome to a world of darkness and dread, where the very air is heavy with decay and the moon casts an eternal twilight. In this gothic horror setting, you will embark on a treacherous journey through Barovia, a cursed land ruled by the powerful vampire lord, Strahd von Zarovich. Prepare to confront your darkest fears, face relentless horrors, and challenge the very embodiment of evil. This game is designed for adults who seek an immersive and respectful experience. While it is horror-themed, there are no explicit sexual contents, ensuring a safe and inclusive environment for everyone. Respect and immersion are key pillars of this campaign, as we delve into rich storytelling and character-driven interactions. You can expect a DM who is deeply committed to creating an engaging and rewarding experience for all players. The setting of this adventure is unlike anything you've encountered before. Barovia is a realm shrouded in darkness, with traditions and norms that differ from the familiar landscapes of other D&D adventures. Here, even mundane actions may carry life-or-death consequences, and the world itself seems to conspire against you. Prepare to step into a realm where terror reigns, and where survival requires courage, wit, and unity. As the DM, I strive to create an immersive atmosphere through vivid descriptions and roleplaying. I embody NPCs with unique voices, including my natural Eastern European accent, which enhances the authenticity of this vampire adventure. I value the input and engagement of every player, ensuring that everyone has a chance to contribute to the cooperative storytelling experience. I am well-versed in the Curse of Strahd module, having run it numerous times, and I prioritize fast and efficient combat encounters, leveraging Roll20's APIs for seamless gameplay. The game is scheduled for the day mentioned in the tittle, with sessions lasting approximately 3 to 4 hours. I am looking for 4-5 dedicated players who are ready to commit to this dark and thrilling campaign. Whether you are a seasoned player or new to the world of tabletop RPGs, you are welcome to join. To ensure a respectful and enjoyable experience for all, there are guidelines in place to foster a positive gaming environment. If you are ready to embark on this harrowing adventure, to face your fears head-on and unravel the mysteries of Barovia, then step forward and join!

1 year on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

Players will need a properly working microphone to participate in the game and communicate with the group. It is recommended, but not mandatory, for players to familiarize themselves with the rules ahead of time. I have worked with players who were new to the rules and they learned as we played. Character creation will take place after session 0. We will use the Roll20 platform's Charactermancer feature to guide the process and create the characters together. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and understands the module-specific information and guidelines. To participate in the game, players will need a browser to access Roll20 and Discord for communication with the group. Roll20 provides a digital dice rolling feature, so physical dice are not required. While printing out character sheets is not necessary for online games, if it enhances the players' experience and brings them closer to the feeling of playing a tabletop roleplaying game, they are welcome to do so. However, Roll20 provides digital character sheets that can be easily accessed and managed during the game. Overall, the necessary tools and resources for participating in the game are easily accessible through a browser, microphone, and the Roll20 platform.

What I provide

As the DM, I will bring the necessary virtual dice through the Roll20 platform. Players can utilize the built-in dice rolling feature within Roll20, so physical dice are not required. While I won't provide post-game illustrations of the characters, I will offer an immersive experience throughout the game. I will use descriptive language to help players visualize their characters and the world around them. The handouts, unique tokens for monsters, and tailored encounters will contribute to a personalized and engaging experience for each character. In terms of maps, I have various types prepared. Traveling maps will be used during random encounters and to give a general idea of the landscape. Town maps will provide an overview of the towns we visit and their layout. Building maps will be available for important locations such as taverns, churches, and houses. Encounter maps will be used for specific encounters, offering visual representations of the environment. While there may be occasions where we rely on theater of the mind-style play, I have pre-mapped most scenarios. Even in the absence of a specific map, my detailed descriptions will help create vivid visuals for the players. Overall, I am committed to providing an immersive experience with the aid of Roll20's features, handouts, unique tokens, and a variety of maps tailored to the campaign.

Gameplay details

When it comes to safety tools, I prioritize the well-being and comfort of my players. During the session 0, which is a comprehensive discussion before the game starts, we have an open conversation about any potentially problematic topics that may arise during the campaign. I encourage my players to openly express their concerns, either in the group or in private with me. We establish boundaries and determine the extent to which sensitive topics will be present in the game, if at all. It's important to me that everyone feels safe and respected throughout the sessions. If at any point during the game someone feels uncomfortable or something becomes too intense, I am receptive to their needs. We can take a short break to refresh our minds or retcon a description to address the issue. I approach these matters with utmost respect and understanding, working with each player individually to find the best resolution. It is my goal to create a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone can fully enjoy the game without fear of judgment or discomfort. The well-being of my players is of paramount importance to me.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Session 0
How will character creation work

In this campaign, characters will start at level 1. We will create the characters using the Roll20 platform's Charactermancer feature. After our session 0 I will provide guidance and share module-specific information, including any restrictions, recommendations, or suggestions specific to Curse of Strahd. Players will have a week to prepare their characters and develop their backstories. To assist them in this process, I offer a backstory quiz that can help generate ideas and add depth to their characters. This quiz is designed to enhance immersion and provide a solid foundation for character development within the campaign. By creating characters together in Roll20 and offering resources like the backstory quiz, we can ensure that everyone is ready to dive into the immersive world of Curse of Strahd with well-crafted and engaging characters.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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